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General Category => Discover Seattle! => Topic started by: TehBorken on May 09 14 05:21

Title: Welcome back kitten
Post by: TehBorken on May 09 14 05:21
Welcome back! :)
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: Neddie Geri on May 09 14 05:39

Thank you so much!  It's so good to be home.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: TehBorken on May 09 14 06:06
Lol, you're still logged in as Neddie. :)

Quote from: Neddie Geri on May 09 14 05:39

Thank you so much!  It's so good to be home.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 09 14 07:01
Have I fully arrived as kitten now?  I would love to be back in my own "cat shirt"  It's so cozy!
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 09 14 07:02
Now that is a beautiful sight.  Such a lovely avatar!
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 14 14 08:40
I've been up all night reading the "Not Interesting" thread.  There were some great discussions that I'm so sorry I missed.  I'm caught up on it now.  Such a great thread!
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: P.C. on May 14 14 07:07
You've always been a great reader.  ;D

I was always surprised nobody ever started a 'I have something interesting to say' thread.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: P.C. on May 14 14 08:00
I sure hope you read TehBorken's adventures in Cambodia.  Truly a great read.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 14 14 09:05
I did read it all and looked at the pictures he posted.  Wow, what an amazing story!  It was so wonderful to read of love at first sight, and the ensuing trips to see her before they married.  And the same went for his friend!  Just the biggest surprise ever!  They seem to be blissfully happy and it is wonderful to read the entire story.  I'm so happy for them. 
I'm so happy to connect with you too, P.C..  I thought I had returned to a virtual graveyard, and TehBorken was only there as the caretaker...Suddenly you are here, and the pleasure is back in full force.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: P.C. on May 14 14 09:24
I think we agree....the man should write a book !  He has a special way with words...I often genuinely laughed out loud.
Reminds me a little bit of David Niven's writings....whom I also lol'd for real. =)
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 14 14 09:36
So true.  David Niven was a very funny man.  I loved his writing.  I'm quite solidly into fantasy now, and I have an established favourite.  Her name is Mercedes Lackey, and I got started on her Fairy Godmother stories.  They are a humourous twist on the the tales of the fairy godmother of  early children's stories, and she does a marvelous job.
Unfortunately, I think I'm almost at an end of her books.  So sad!  She is so good, and has written a lot of books in different series.  If you care for that sort of thing, look her up at the nearest library or on the computer.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: P.C. on May 17 14 07:54
Was wondering if Gophie knows you're back.  He sure missed you when you left.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 18 14 05:22
I don't think he does, P.C.  I've heard nothing from him, and I sent him a personal message to let him know.  I'm very disappointed, because I thoroughly enjoyed his responses and comments.  I've missed the both of you so much.  I'm glad you've come back.  At least you and TehBorken are still here.  Do you know of any way to contact him?
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: P.C. on May 22 14 07:06
As luck would have it, it seems he only departed a couple weeks before you showed up. =(
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: Gopher on May 22 14 11:39
He's back - right on the Kitten's  trail.  WELCOME BACK K, you've been more than missed.
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: Gopher on May 22 14 11:50
The definitive welcome back
Title: Re: Welcome back kitten
Post by: kitten on May 23 14 05:36
Yes, indeed.  Tres cool Cat!  Thank you, Gopher.