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Messages - P.C.

Don't worry so much about it sportsdude......if you take a look at the 'Most Annoying posters on DV', you'll notice that the people with the most intelligent things to say, are on it.  (well MOST)....what does that tell you. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]
ROFLMAO.......Lise.....that is the most disgusting piggy butt I've ever seen......not that I've seen a lot.
The 'banning' isn't the biggest issue for me......the content is on a downhill slide.  It's like it's been taken over by idiots. (meaning the posters)  I'm not exactly a long time resident, but there was always something that caught your interest so much.  I find myself sort of flitting around there and making less than nice comments, and THAT'S what bothers me the most.
Good Times wrote...[/DIV]Don't fall for the "banning" trick like poor P.C. did.

I 'FELL' for something ???  It wasn't my imagination that I couldn't post on DV, I really couldn't.  I may not have the computer savvy that many have, but how do you figure I fell for something. Also, I've always been clear, that I didn't believe I was 'banned' for posting inappropriate content, but that I was unfortunately caught up in some kind of mess.  No offense Good Times, but I kind of get a little tired of the MODS on DV taking such a hit.  They do what they can, VOLUNTARILY, and are sometimes hit pretty hard by some of the simpletons out there, and are blamed undeservedly for everything. It's just wrong.
Rats....wanted to be out of here.....stuck on the phone.

I think if they don't do something SOON, it may not recover.
I didn't think clarifying was REALLY necessary for those in the know, but for the rest, it seemed like it needed to be said.

I hear you on the trash it getting worse, or did I just not notice before because there were no other options?

Well, I'm off to the big city today, I'd best get moving.  Have a great day !!!!
Karma function ???
I've been finding the majority of them aren't even readable anymore.  It's increasingly difficult finding a topic worth responding to on DV.  I hope this is a temporary thing, but if they don't do something quickly, all that will be left is your 'Andy's and KITTEN's" types. (not to be confused with the lovely DS Kitten)[img onmouseover="'#C6D3EF';'1px solid #3169C6'; " style="BORDER-RIGHT: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #3169c6 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #3169c6 1px solid; CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-BOTTOM: #3169c6 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c6d3ef" onclick="InsertImage('/forums/richedit/smileys/Happy/2.gif');" onmouseout="'';''" src="vny!://" align=absMiddle]
"It's been less than 24 hrs. since the board has officially opened and she's already spent over 10 hrs. here!"[/DIV] [/DIV] I don't know about anybody else, but I seldom log off.  Hours SPENT HERE could just as easily reflect how long I spent in the garden.  It might be more accurate to sayHours your computer was on.
Have you ever watched Boston Legal ???
I've never cared for him much, until I started watching Boston Legal.   GREAT show.
I've been wondering if there is something in my settings that makes the newest posts go to page 1,  (out of 6 pages, 6 would be the oldest posts ?) OR, is this the way it is for all.
Ewwww.  I'm sure Jimmy Kimmel is crushed.
OMG........talking about pigs........We were talking about pigs weren't we ?[/DIV]Check this out  This is a real pig pic....this tiger actually suckled these little piggies.[/DIV]Nature is incredible. [img]vny!://"]
Admin did what we hope every 'business' would do.  Appeal to the interest......and he DID, BIG time.[/DIV]He sure went to work and improved all over the place.  Trying to please EVERYONE.......he did an awesome job. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="vny!://" border=0]