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Topics - Adam_Fulford

In an era of spineless, corporation-kow-towing, snivelling media cowards, Lou Dobbs stands up as a hero in accurately reporting a grave threat against American democracy. [A href=""][FONT color=#323232]Click Here[/FONT][/A]  [A href=""][img hspace=6 src="" align=right vspace=3 border=0][/A]  
Crows are my favorite birds. They are highly intelligent and resourceful.  I consider them to be kindred spirits, since I am of the Crow Clan, and I revere them.
 [TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=590 bgColor=#eeeeee border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle][FONT face="Comic Sans MS, Arial, Helvetica" color=#990033 size=2][/FONT][/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
[TBODY] [FONT face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2]Gubernatorial Primary Election[/FONT]
[FONT color=#003399 size=4][/FONT][FONT color=#333333 size=4]Secretary of State[/FONT] [FONT face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2]Democratic Party  [img height=505 alt="" src="" width=600 useMap=#Counties border=0] [BR clear=all]
[A name=exp][/A][MAP name=Counties][AREA title="Del Norte" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Del Norte" coords=14,1,11,11,15,17,17,24,31,29,32,16,32,7,37,2,13,1 href="08.htm"][AREA title=Siskiyou shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Siskiyou coords=44,3,39,8,37,16,36,25,41,29,44,37,48,43,55,47,62,51,62,42,68,37,75,33,82,32,82,38,83,44,99,44,120,44,120,3,40,3,44,2,124,4 href="47.htm"][AREA title=Modoc shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Modoc coords=178,5,177,46,125,44,127,4 href="25.htm"][AREA title=Humboldt shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Humboldt coords=16,102,33,102,34,58,39,53,40,43,36,34,27,34,18,31,15,48,5,81,6,90 href="12.htm"][AREA title=Trinity shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Trinity coords=39,103,39,74,40,61,45,56,46,48,53,54,63,58,66,48,77,40,77,51,67,74,54,91,56,104 href="53.htm"][AREA title=Shasta shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Shasta coords=84,48,123,48,123,82,84,84,72,85,63,85,73,78,77,62 href="45.htm"][AREA title=Lassen shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Lassen coords=128,48,178,48,177,120,173,108,168,99,161,92,151,89,141,93,138,83,131,82,129,75 href="18.htm"][AREA title=Tehama shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Tehama coords=62,93,64,113,91,114,98,112,106,110,113,101,121,94,116,87,98,87,76,89,66,90 href="52.htm"][AREA title=Plumas shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Plumas coords=124,88,134,87,135,94,144,100,150,95,162,102,169,109,172,121,150,123,142,118,137,127,126,112 href="32.htm"][AREA title=Mendocino shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Mendocino coords=21,107,28,118,28,130,26,141,30,152,30,162,34,168,54,165,50,153,52,144,51,132,56,128,56,118,56,109 href="23.htm"][AREA title=Lake shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Lake coords=58,135,59,144,56,153,62,162,70,168,73,173,79,167,74,152,64,138,65,130 href="17.htm"][AREA title=Glenn shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Glenn coords=65,120,94,119,95,127,99,135,84,136,72,136,70,128,66,126 href="11.htm"][AREA title=Butte shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Butte coords=100,116,104,122,102,129,105,141,113,142,123,132,130,129,123,118,120,110,121,103 href="04.htm"][AREA title=Colusa shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Colusa coords=100,162,85,161,81,153,79,148,70,143,99,141 href="06.htm"][AREA title=Sutter shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Sutter coords=103,146,111,146,115,162,118,173,110,167,106,160,103,153 href="51.htm"][AREA title=Yuba shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Yuba coords=136,131,130,136,116,145,118,160,124,156,126,146,135,138 href="58.htm"][AREA title=Sierra shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Sierra coords=142,122,152,127,178,124,177,136,160,138,153,130,148,136,140,136,139,129 href="46.htm"][AREA title=Nevada shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Nevada coords=130,157,132,147,138,142,147,139,154,136,177,139,175,143,151,143,137,157 href="29.htm"][AREA title=Sonoma shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Sonoma coords=39,173,60,169,67,175,73,186,80,201,76,204,68,199,54,193 href="49.htm"][AREA title=Napa shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Napa coords=74,179,85,170,91,185,91,192,85,200 href="28.htm"][AREA title=Yolo shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Yolo coords=85,165,104,166,110,175,115,183,113,194,110,183,95,183 href="57.htm"][AREA title=Placer shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Placer coords=121,172,125,163,138,162,147,150,154,146,177,146,176,155,164,157,158,163,148,158,140,160,132,173 href="31.htm"][AREA title=Marin shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Marin coords=58,197,66,202,73,207,72,219,65,214,54,213,58,208 href="21.htm"][AREA title=Solano shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Solano coords=88,207,91,198,96,197,95,188,107,187,107,196,110,200,105,208 href="48.htm"][AREA title=Sacramento shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Sacramento coords=116,176,132,177,134,196,120,197,111,206,118,193 href="34.htm"][AREA title="El Dorado" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="El Dorado" coords=136,174,148,164,156,167,164,162,177,160,182,167,167,182,151,183,140,184 href="09.htm"][AREA title=Amador shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Amador coords=138,198,139,189,148,186,157,188,176,179,174,186,159,189,142,199 href="03.htm"][AREA title="Contra Costa" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Contra Costa" coords=82,215,93,211,108,211,113,208,114,221,99,226,91,219 href="07.htm"][AREA title="San Joaquin" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Joaquin" coords=118,202,135,200,139,224,132,226,119,237,116,225,116,211 href="39.htm"][AREA title=Calaveras shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Calaveras coords=141,204,153,218,175,190,167,189,155,193 href="05.htm"][AREA title=Alpine shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Alpine coords=186,169,179,177,180,190,189,190,196,194,196,185,195,177 href="02.htm"][AREA title=Alameda shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Alameda coords=85,219,97,229,114,224,113,238,94,240,88,227 href="01.htm"][AREA title="San Francisco" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Francisco" coords=74,226,79,226,77,223,74,225 href="38.htm"][AREA title="San Mateo" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Mateo" coords=77,229,87,239,87,250,80,257,75,239 href="41.htm"][AREA title="Santa Cruz" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Santa Cruz" coords=85,260,88,255,95,258,108,269,103,271,90,267 href="44.htm"][AREA title="Santa Clara" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Santa Clara" coords=92,244,115,243,118,255,126,260,124,266,118,264,112,269,102,260,91,251 href="43.htm"][AREA title=Stanislaus shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Stanislaus coords=121,242,141,229,142,214,157,232,140,242,127,256,121,253 href="50.htm"][AREA shape=POLY coords="" href="#"][AREA title=Tuolumne shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Tuolumne coords=157,222,176,196,190,195,194,206,205,215,208,223,197,218,187,224,175,221,163,228 href="55.htm"][AREA title=Mono shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Mono coords=198,180,266,238,231,241,221,232,213,218,200,203 href="26.htm"][AREA title=Merced shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Merced coords=130,268,132,260,142,248,163,237,170,255,141,277 href="24.htm"][AREA title=Mariposa shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Mariposa coords=167,234,177,225,184,230,198,223,204,226,176,253 href="22.htm"][AREA title=Madera shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Madera coords=208,229,216,235,207,247,205,257,188,272,169,276,161,265,179,259 href="20.htm"][AREA title="San Benito" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Benito" coords=115,272,126,270,151,294,147,304,137,300,126,290 href="35.htm"][AREA title=Monterey shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Monterey coords=108,275,119,288,135,308,150,313,167,329,122,327,101,305,98,288 href="27.htm"][AREA title=Fresno shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Fresno coords=145,280,157,270,163,279,174,280,191,273,206,261,214,250,220,238,233,257,244,268,245,277,222,277,211,282,193,292,180,297,179,307,167,320,156,312,154,293 href="10.htm"][AREA title=Inyo shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Inyo coords=235,244,269,242,361,322,269,327,249,268 href="14.htm"][AREA title=Tulare shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Tulare coords=203,327,262,325,258,306,246,281,224,282,217,288,209,291,202,294,201,308 href="54.htm"][AREA title=Kings shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Kings coords=171,327,196,327,198,299,184,300,181,311,171,321 href="16.htm"][AREA title="San Luis Obispo" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Luis Obispo" coords=125,331,168,331,175,346,183,353,191,361,198,370,188,369,175,363,168,367,161,370,153,370,152,363,142,360 href="40.htm"][AREA title=Kern shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Kern coords=174,334,279,332,279,376,214,378,207,373,200,362,193,356,188,350,181,344 href="15.htm"][AREA title="San Bernardino" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Bernardino" coords=284,333,365,328,409,365,420,387,433,400,423,408,292,418,281,425 href="36.htm"][AREA title="Santa Barbara" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Santa Barbara" coords=155,377,169,381,171,373,176,370,202,378,201,402,189,401,174,398,161,398,153,393 href="42.htm"][AREA title=Ventura shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Ventura coords=207,379,214,385,226,382,235,410,224,419,215,413,208,404 href="56.htm"][AREA title="Los Angeles" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="Los Angeles" coords=233,383,278,382,275,419,266,425,253,435,247,420,231,420,241,412 href="19.htm"][AREA title=Orange shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Orange coords=266,437,273,427,290,441,284,450,275,448 href="30.htm"][AREA title=Riverside shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Riverside coords=285,428,294,423,305,426,418,416,417,425,418,437,414,445,308,451,290,446,293,440 href="33.htm"][AREA title="San Diego" shape=POLY target=_blank alt="San Diego" coords=290,454,294,450,303,457,351,452,352,492,309,499,304,486 href="37.htm"][AREA title=Imperial shape=POLY target=_blank alt=Imperial coords=355,454,410,451,413,464,421,470,420,482,356,489 href="13.htm"][/MAP]

[TD align=top]Explanation: [!-- [table border=0 width=600][tr][td]   --]Each candidate is identified with a color/pattern combination (see legend).  In each county, the "leader" is that candidate who has received more votes than any other candidate.  The color/pattern combination in each county indicates which candidate is the "leader" in that county.  The number in each county indicates the percentage of votes cast for the "leader" in that county.

HAPPY 6/6/6 !!!
Discover Seattle! / Test
Jun 06 06 04:26
Not here.
Discover Seattle! / Assassin Bug
Jun 02 06 09:44
For years, Charles Darwin, a figure of historical eminence even greater than that of Trollio or Orik, suffered the crippling effects of Chagas disease, brought on by a sting from an assassin bug in the Pampas of Argentina.          
Discover Seattle! / Checked out DV
May 30 06 03:04
Every one of those Adam Fulfords is not me.  My IP has been blocked.  Those pretenders do a very poor impersonation, even for farce, and only get it sort of right they paste words I actually wrote.

  Not sure what it is about the DV forum, but this kind of nonsense never happens to me in other forums when I use my name.  Different cross-section of society I guess.

  Tell you what, Purelife: please delete all "adam fulfords:, and I'll just let you be .  This tedious for all of us, I assure you.. But, I know, I know: was fine until I came along and stirred things up.  I just don't want weird attacks against me appearing in Google searches, that's all.  And Discover Vancouver has a a number of these.  
This Memorial Day, I am humbly grateful to America's soldiers who helped crush the Nazis.

  My condolences to the soldiers and military families suffering casualties in the quagmire of the Iraq War.
Discover Seattle! / .
May 29 06 06:55
The main reasons anybody would be compelled to be anonymous are 1)It allows them to say things they would be too cowardly to say with their real names.  2) Moderators are mysteriously reluctant too delete abusive posts 3) They are maladjusted, frustrated, approval-seeking Judas-type stalkers such as Academe, stooping to any level to gain acceptance.   GLAD TO SEE most of the abuse DV posts against me were apparently deleted.  Delete Academe's groupie-type posts about me, and that would just about make things even.

  Thank You, though it's a day late and a dollar short.
"Leprechauns, castles, good luck and laughter.Lullabies, dreams and love ever after. Poems and songs with pipes and drums."  
I can't post messages on Discover Vancouver, having been banned and blocked -- I prefer it that way.  So, whoever is posing as "Adam Fulford" over there isn't me.  
It's interesting to see which kinds of threads get the most views.  I was very pleased when trite threads I experimentally posted, bearing the names famous actresses had a low number if visitors (such threads are popular on DV).  It is especially reassuring that threads about the dangerous riggable voting machines threatening America's democracy have had a high number of visitors.  But, I'm a little sad that discussion of impeaching America's dictator doesn't generate much interest.
TehBorken, you exemplify the real spirit of America, as personified by innovative thinkers such as Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, and Bev Harris, a true American hero who is bravely defending America's democracy ([A href=""][/A] ) as you read this.  TehBorken, you invite inquisitive analysis and lively discussion that helps counteract the extremist anti-American dictatorship led by Chickenhawk-in-Chief George W. "Leaky" Bush with the cooperation of the overwhelming Fascist media that have hijacked America's democracy.  Thank you.

[A href=""][/A]

[A href=""][/A]  
 [DIV class=block] [P class=label]

 [H1][A href=""][FONT size=2][/FONT][/A][/H1] [H1]Vermont Dems vote to urge Congress to impeach Bush[/H1] [P class=byline]

 [P class=source]By The Associated Press

[/DIV][!-- start photo --] [DIV class=imgrt][!-- end photo --]

[DIV class=body] RANDOLPH, Vt. — Leaders of the Vermont Democratic Party voted Saturday to urge Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush.

 The vote makes Vermont's Democratic Party committee the fifth to do so, following New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin, party officials in Vermont said.

 Committee member Margaret Lucenti said the president had misled the country into war, conducted illegal electronic spying on Americans and violated international torture treaties.

 "I would hope that any one of these infractions would bring the administration down," she said. "We need to restore accountability in our federal government."

 James Barnett, chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, called the vote out of step.

 "This demonstrates that leaders of the Vermont Democratic Party are among the most extreme in the nation," he said.

 The committee decided against a proposal to urge impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

 "Let's keep it crisp," said committee member Billie Gosh. "Let's keep it clear."

   [A href=""][/A]

Discover Seattle! / For Marik
Apr 07 06 05:57
Marik, I've removed that message in which I made an unfair statement about you.
Hi, Purelife

  It would be great if you could delete this entire thread:   The hate term by A1sauce is especially offensive.  I don't know why Academe, someone who I actually publicy supported, has turned on me. But that's people for you.  It is an obsolete thread that has been causing me grief.  Please lose it.    
[A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]Great Author Roald Dahl on [/FONT][FONT color=#0000ff]What is the Best Attribute a Person Can Have[/FONT][/A]

  ROALD DAHL: I think probably kindness is my number one attribute in a human being. I'll put it before any of the things like courage or bravery or generosity or anything else.

BRIAN SIBLEY: Or brains even?

ROALD DAHL: Oh gosh, yes, brains is one of the least. You can be a lovely person without brains, absolutely lovely. Kindness -- that simple word. To be kind -- it covers everything, to my mind. If you're kind that's it.
[FONT size=4]Senator Debra Bowen!!!  [/FONT]An [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"]honest[/FONT] public official who defends America's democracy.

[A href=""][/A]


[FONT size=5]About Debra Bowen              [/FONT][A href=""][img height=235 alt="Debra Bowen" src="" width=168 border=0][/A]

   There is an unprecedented crisis in confidence at both the national and state levels in the fair and independent conduct of elections. We must restore confidence, integrity, and independence in democratic government - and we can start right here in California by electing State Senator Debra Bowen as our next Secretary of State in 2006. [/DIV]
 Ever since she was first elected to the State Legislature in 1992, Debra Bowen has been a pioneer in government reform, consumer protection and privacy rights, environmental conservation, and open government. She also is a leading women's advocate, fighting for equality in the workplace and in government, child care, health care and civil rights. [/DIV]
 Bowen - as a woman with an incredibly strong record of accomplishment and independence who has been victorious in tough electoral battles in swing districts - is an excellent candidate to be the next California Secretary of State. There isn't even one female constitutional officeholder representing California - and Bowen, based on her record, is a perfect fit for this office. [/DIV]
 Bowen has earned attention in the media throughout the state as an effective and independent voice for reform, open government and consumer advocacy. She has declined to accept gifts since taking office, was the first California lawmaker to be accessible through her own state e-mail address (1993), was the first California lawmaker to put up her own government web page (1995), and the first California lawmaker to put her campaign finance reports on the web (August 1995).

Discover Seattle! / bev harris
Mar 30 06 04:43
[A href=""][/A]  
[H1 align=center][img height=264 alt="Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley" hspace=15 src="" width=230 align=right border=0]Diebold's Bitch[/H1] [P align=center]La County DA Steve Cooley

 [P align=left]Corrupt governmental alliance with criminal corporation Diebold and prosecutorial tenacity against honest [A href=""]American Whislte-blower folk-hero Stephen Heller, who bravely exposed the criminal organization[/A], are the hallmarks of veteran prosecutor Steve Cooley's corrupt service as Los Angeles County District Attorney, and Diebold's Bitch.

[FONT color=#0000ff]Unlike corrupt Los Angeles County DA Steve Cooley, who bends over for the criminal Diebold corporation like a good bitch, and [A href=""]persecutive American Folk-Hero Whistle Blower Stephen Heller[/A], Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist is an honest public official who serves the interests of the American voting public, not that of organized crime.[/FONT]

    [A href=""][/A]


[DIV class=ItemSubHeadline]Investigation Into Refusal by Companies to do Business with Leon County, FL Election Supervisor Who Discovered Diebold E-Voting Security Flaw!

[DIV class=ItemSubSubHeadline]UPDATE: Diebold Agrees to Talk to Sancho Again![/DIV]
 [img hspace=6 src="" align=left vspace=3 border=0][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]Just out from AP[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff],[/FONT] the Florida state Attorney General has subpoenaed the three Electronic Voting Machine companies who have all refused to do business with Leon County, FL Election Supervisor Ion Sancho since he discovered that Diebold's optical-scan voting system was vulnerable to hackers.

Sancho's discovery, revealed via a [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]mock election test[/FONT][/A] last December, showed in no uncertain terms that Diebold's systems could be hacked, the results of an election flipped, without a trace being left behind.

Since then, as [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]The BRAD BLOG has previously reported[/FONT][/A], all three Voting Machine Vendors certified to do business in the state have all refused to sign contracts with the heroic elected official (even though sales reps from both ES&S and Sequoia had initially promised to do so).

[A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]According to AP...[/FONT][/A]

 [DIV class=media]TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida's attorney general said Wednesday his office has issued investigative subpoenas to the three companies certified to sell voting machines in Florida as he reviews a dispute between the firms and Leon County's elections supervisor.

Diebold Inc., Election Systems & Software Inc., and Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. have refused to sell equipment to let disabled voters cast ballots without help in Leon County.
"It is critical for our democratic process to work efficiently and effectively, but of most importance, fairly," Attorney General Charlie Crist said. "These subpoenas are to ensure that the rights of our voters with disabilities as well as all Florida voters are secured."

Crist wants to see copies of documents relating to sales of voting machines by Diebold, Election Systems & Software and Sequoia in Florida since January 2003. Crist's office began the investigation in early February.[/DIV]

At this time, it's still unknown whether the companies refusal to do business with Sancho is due to collusion on their part, or simply because ES&S and Sequoia are concerned that Sancho may actually examine their machines with the same rigor previously applied to Diebold's machines. Sancho, though we've asked him on several occassions (one of those occasions was live on The Young Turks radio show, [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]the MP3 of that interview is here[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff])[/FONT] refuses to speculate.

The now infamous "hack test" has had repurcussions around the nation, including in California where it caused the Sec. of State to momentarily [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]pause[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff],[/FONT] commission a panel of experts to analyze situation and independently[FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]confirm[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]the gaping security hole along with finding at least 16 others, before going ahead and [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]certifying[/FONT][/A] the hackable machines in the state anyway. A group of 25 state voters recently [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]filed a [/FONT][FONT color=#0000ff]lawsuit[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]to prevent the purchase and use of Diebold machines in the state.

In Maryland, one of Diebold's original "showcase states", the Republican Governor has[FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]called for[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]a ban of Diebold's machines and the State House of Reps recently[FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]voted[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]137 to 0 to do exactly that.

For its part, the state of Florida's Sec. of State -- while recognizing the problem exposed by Sancho and [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]warning[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]all state Elections Officials about the matter -- has nonetheless [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]attacked[/FONT][/A] and threatened the elected Sancho with removal from office if he's unable to strike a deal with one of the vendors certified to do business in the state. That, despite wide support from around the country, and [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]in his own county[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]of Leon which is home to the state's capitol of Tallahassee -- otherwise known as JebVille.

UPDATE 8:09pm PT: Looks like the heat from the AG, coupled with Sancho's previous threat of [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]legal action[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]for breach of contract against Diebold are causing some movement. [A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff]According to Tallahassee Democrat tonight[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff]:
 [DIV class=media]Officials of Diebold Election Systems have agreed to meet again with Leon County officials to discuss the possibility of selling their voting equipment for handicapped voters to the county.[/DIV]
Whether that's a good or bad thing, we'll leave to someone else to determine. But, never a dull moment.   [DIV class=BloggedByMain]Blogged by [A href="mailto:[email protected]"][FONT color=#0000ff]Brad[/FONT][/A][FONT color=#0000ff] [/FONT]on 3/29/2006 @ 1:28pm PT... [A href=""][/A]  [/DIV]
 [H1][FONT size=4][A href=",1,2998644.story?ctrack=1&cset=true"],1,2998644.story?ctrack=1&cset=true[/A][/FONT][/H1] [H1][FONT size=4]A statewide database has rejected otherwise valid registrations (remember Florida?)because of computer glitches or slight discrepancies in the spelling of names.[/FONT][/H1] [DIV class=storybyline]By Jordan Rau, Times Staff Writer
March 29, 2006 [/DIV]
 [DIV class=storybody]SACRAMENTO — Thousands of Californians who register to vote or update their records may not receive sample ballots or be able to vote as absentees because of the state's new method of verifying identities, election officials say.

A new statewide database designed by Secretary of State Bruce McPherson to authenticate voter registrations has blocked otherwise valid registrations because of computer glitches, slight discrepancies in spelling or incomplete applications.
 [DIV class=cubeadbox] [DIV class=adheader][!-- /Ad Space: --][/DIV][/DIV]The problems have required registrars to contact voters — a time-consuming process that is already taxing some counties facing elections next month.

San Diego County is racing to rectify rejected registrations in time for the April 11 special election to fill the seat vacated by convicted Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

"We're working overtime to get these voters cleared," said Tim McNamara, assistant registrar of voters in that county.

In Los Angeles County, the database rejected 14,629 people — 43% of those who registered from Jan. 1 to March 15. Officials are trying to resolve the problems in time for municipal elections April 11 in 14 cities in the county. They say the challenge will be far larger for the June 6 primary, which will involve many more voters.

[DIV class=storybody]

[DIV class=storybody]Read the rest of the article here: [A href=",1,2998644.story?ctrack=1&cset=true"],1,2998644.story?ctrack=1&cset=true[/A][/DIV]
 [H1]Sting is Opening a Strip Club in New York[/H1] [img height=120 alt=*sting_deviant.jpg src="" width=180]Sting, recently reported to be opening his own strip club, has now asked about setting up a fantasy sex party with notorious orgy organizer Palagia. According to Palagia's rep, "whenever Sting is in New York, he has looked into checking out one of Palagia's sexy Eat In parties," the rep said. "He has been interested in attending the sexy X-rated soirees for months, even asking Palagia herself to throw a special one for him and Trudi to fit their busy schedule."

[FONT color=#0000ff]As the overwhelmingly Fascist media is quietly chipped away by independent news sources appearing on the internet, the AP, clearly threatened by the threat against their monopoly, has committed one of the worst of journalistic crimes -- plagiarism[/FONT]

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 [FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color=#990000 size=6 bgcolor="#FFFFFF"][FONT color=#000000]Associated Press says they based article on Raw Story report but refuses to credit or correct[/FONT][/FONT]  John Byrne
[FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#990000 size=1][FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color=#000000 size=1]Published: Tuesday March 28, 2006[/FONT][/FONT]

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  [img hspace=5 src="" align=right vspace=5 border=1]The Associated Press has confirmed using a Raw Story report as the basis for a Mar. 14 article detailing a change to national security clearance policies but has refused to issue credit for the piece.

 Their article, "[A href=";_ylt=Aph2EL9QhJbRz8V0uIOsVRUGw_IE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-"]Security Clearance Rules May Impede Gays[/A]," signaled an apparent Bush Administration attempt to tighten security clearances with regard to gay Americans. It attributed the discovery of the clearance changes to gay rights groups – a factually inaccurate statement which the agency has refused to correct. The discovery was made by Larisa Alexandrovna, Raw Story's Managing News Editor, and John Byrne, Raw Story's Executive Editor.

 Raw Story picked the wording out of an extended document released in December. AP ran a story the following day, highlighting the same item and using similar language.

 Two gay rights groups, Human Rights Campaign and Servicemembers' Legal Defense Network, confirmed they had used Raw Story's article and notes distributed by Raw Story as the basis of their conversations with the AP reporter. The AP later admitted they had learned of the change from the Raw Story article. Raw Story's article, along with notes intended to help groups speak to its contents, was sent to gay groups by Michael Rogers, a gay activist who runs [A href=""][/A].

 In response to inquiries about the errant wording – "lesbian and gay advocacy groups recently found the change" – AP's Director of Media Relations Jack Stokes has said the language had been carefully worded. The AP disputes Raw Story's claim that their report was inaccurate.

 Raw Story had requested a correction from the AP late last week. Katherine Shrader, the AP national security correspondent who authored the article, told us she had spoken with her editor and that no correction would be made.

 "I've talked it over with our bureau chief and we're not going to be doing that," Shrader said.

 In a return call, Shrader refused to talk further and referred calls to AP's corporate communications office.

 Raw Story then spoke with Jack Stokes, AP's Director of Media Relations. Stokes took careful notes regarding our concerns and said he would investigate our claims. He found that the AP had, indeed, gotten our article from "human rights groups" but that it was AP policy not to credit blogs.

 "It does turn out that we don't give mentions to blogs when we're researching our stories and when we've been given material by others such as in this case human rights groups that brought this stuff to us that we independently check," Stokes said in a voicemail message.

 Stokes elaborated Tuesday, saying the AP does give credit to blogs. He said the reason Raw Story wasn't credited in the Mar. 14 article was because the bureau "hadn't heard of" Raw Story, and because they had received the article from third-party groups. He said the agency would be issuing a statement, most likely later today.

 "We do credit blogs that we know," Stokes said. "We had no idea who you were."

 In the past, AP has [A href=""]given credit[/A] to such blogs as Instapundit and Pajamas Media. Raw Story has previously received credit from The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, Roll Call, The Hill, The Salt Lake Tribune, MSNBC and Rolling Stone, though major media publications have repeatedly lifted the site's work without attribution.

 Servicemembers' Legal Defense Network confirmed they had given Raw Story's original article to the AP reporter. Human Rights Campaign said they had briefed their director on the story from the original Raw Story report. Neither group mentioned Raw Story in their press releases – which Stokes said may have affected how AP handled the story.

 Raw Story did receive [A href=""]credit[/A] for the story in the Washington Blade, D.C.'s leading gay newspaper.

 [FONT size=4]The story[/FONT]

 The piece printed by Raw Story, "[A href=""]U.S. quietly tightens access to classified information[/A]," outlined changes made by National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley to policies for granting security clearances to classified government information. We found that Hadley made semantic but substantial changes which seemed to mirror a broader shift in Bush Administration policy towards secrecy.

 In our article, we also identified that the Administration had changed language with regard to issuing clearances to gays.

 [BLOCKQUOTE]Whereas the 1997 revision [of the clearance policy] declared that sexual orientation "may not be used" as a basis for disqualifying applicants, Hadley's revisions declare that clearances cannot be denied "solely on the basis of the sexual orientation of the individual."

Wrote AP: "The Bush administration said security clearances cannot be denied 'solely on the basis of the sexual orientation of the individual.' But it removed language saying sexual orientation 'may not be used as a basis for or a disqualifying factor in determining a person's eligibility for a security clearance.'" [/BLOCKQUOTE] The Hadley revision also added discharge from the military under "dishonorable conditions" to a list of conditions that could warrant denial of clearances. We noted that homosexual conduct is grounds for a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military.

 Steve Ralls, Communications director for the Servicemembers' Legal Defense Network, a group that represents gays who are discharged from the military, said they passed the article to AP because they were concerned about what the change might mean for their clients.

 "We were initially concerned that there may be a change in the process for clearances approvals, which had implications for our clients," Ralls said. "[White House Press Secretary] Scott McClellan has said that the White House continues to abide by [an] executive order that bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. We don't have any information at this point that suggests they're not following the executive order but we're going to be following that very closely."

 Brad Luna, Director of Media Relations for the gay rights lobby Human Rights Campaign, said they had concerns about how and why the clearance revisions were made.

 "Our main concern was that this was one of those maneuvers that was done behind closed doors that has major implications and consequences for gay individuals," Luna said. "We thought it was vital for attention to be called to the issue, to have the National Security Adviser come out and address why the changes were made."

 To contact AP, you can email them at [email protected].

 John Byrne is the Executive Editor of Raw Story.

 Check out this new [A href=""][FONT color=#b34700]music video[/FONT][/A] starring da Robopimp[/DIV]
[FONT color=#0000ff]Have you ever wondered what honest media coverage looks like?  Yes, it sure can be hard to find honesty and truth in the Fascist-dominated US Media, but sometimes one gets a glimpse of what is like.  Lara Logan slapped Bush and Cheney, and their media lap-dogs, she slapped those bitches good, as she said told it like it really is.  Watch and listen! Click this link:[FONT size=4]  [/FONT][/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff size=4][/FONT][/A]
[FONT color=#0000ff]Have you ever wondered what honest media coverage looks like?  Yes, it sure can be hard to find honesty and truth in the Fascist-dominated US Media, but sometimes one gets a glimpse of what is like.  Lara Logan slapped Bush and Cheney, and their media lap-dogs, she slapped those bitches good, as she said told it like it really is.  Watch and listen! Click this link:[FONT size=4]  [/FONT][/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#0000ff size=4][/FONT][/A]

[FONT color=#0000ff][/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#5b5b5b]       KURTZ: 'But critics would say, well, no wonder people back home [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#5b5b5b]       think things are falling apart because we get this steady drumbeat of [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#5b5b5b]       negativity from the correspondents there.' [/FONT]

     [FONT color=#438059]  [/FONT][FONT color=#00bf60]LOGAN: "Well, who says things aren't falling apart in Iraq? I mean, [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       what you didn't see on your screens this week was all the unidentified[/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       bodies that have been turning up, all the allegations here of militias [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       that are really controlling the security forces.

       What about all the American soldiers that died this week that you

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       didn't see on our screens? I mean, we've reported on reconstruction [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       stories over and over again...I mean, I really resent the fact that [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       people say that we're not reflecting the true picture here. That's [/FONT]

[DIV align=left][FONT color=#00bf60]       totally unfair and it's really unfounded." [/FONT]  
My publicity agent has advised me to get this message deleted, especially the hate term that I didn't write but people could mistakenly associate with me (and also may contravene Canadian hate laws):

[A href=""][/A]

  I'd post this on DV, but, as you know, I can't since my IP address has been blocked from that forum.
