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Messages - Witch

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Dang, she beat me to it.

awwwwwwwww (does that make me an "awhole"?) Let's all take up a collection and buy dean some punctuation for Lupercalia.
My Apologies

QuoteI bought Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. And Orwell's 1984.
I have a copy of 1984, printed in 1985.

I am easily amused.

Now, don't be so hard on yourself....

That's my job.
Quote from: academe on Feb 08 06 04:01[FONT color=#ff0000]LOL [/FONT]

Witch, who are you trying to impress with these bombastic posts of yours? They just sound so forced and downright if you actually make a concerted effort to make each post sound "wittier" and more "scintillating" than your last. It's getting to be such a bore. I think you're a total phony. This is DS (and DV before that)...why don't you remove that "magic" broom from your ass, set the pointy hat aside, and start behaving in a way that is appropriate for a relaxed internet message board. I shall now await your "very witty" rebuttle...  

Well,,, whomever you really are, if my posts do not amuse you, please feel free to not read them. If you're having difficulty not reading them, please feel free to activate the "do not read" button on your browser.

It's the little square button at the top right corner of your screen. Look there now. Higher. Higher. Now go right....

No, your other right. There it is. See the little button with the "X" on it? click it now.

No, left click....

Well, now that we have that out of the way, did anyone else catch the irony of someone using the word "bombastic" to complain about how bombastic my posts were?

I have two teenage daughters. When they need a whippin', I tell them it's to promote fertility. When they bring home boyfriends, I take the lads out back and give them a taste of the lash too..... that's to prevent fertility.
I gave you an applaud, but then to maintain balance inthe universe I had to give you a smite as well.
I use rubber cheques... impossible to wash.
Free speech doesn't apply. Emails are already being filtered for SPAM. If you don't want your ISP to charge money for carrying advertisements, use a different ISP.

Don't people have any concept of where their "rights" apply and where they don't? I know... stupid question.
Quote from: dean on Feb 07 06 09:30You better be ready for me, because I am back. I am better then ever! Nobody will stop me not even Aministrator! I am the shit and also UK Basketball fan I should kick your ass for using my name and saying I am gay! Burn in Hell LOSERS[/DIV]
Death, taxes, and the peurile nature of dean and his pedomorphic posings..... It's nice that there are still some things one can depend on
Quote from: tenkani on Feb 08 06 01:08Wow! That's the sexiest holiday EVAR!!


You might want to hold that thought. Ostara and Beltaine are still to come.


QuoteThe Lupercalia was an annual [A title="Ancient Rome" href=""]Roman[/A] festival held on [A title="February 15" href=""]February 15[/A] to honour [A title=Faunus href=""]Faunus[/A], god of fertility and forests. [A title="Justin Martyr" href=""]Justin Martyr[/A] identified Faunus as Lupercus, 'the one who wards off the [A title=Wolf href=""]wolf[/A]', but his identification is not supported by any earlier classical sources. The festival was celebrated near the cave of [A title=Lupercal href=""]Lupercal[/A] on the [A title="Palatine Hill" href=""]Palatine[/A] (one of the seven [A title="Roman hills" href=""]Roman hills[/A]), to expiate and purify new life in the [A title="Spring (season)" href=""]Spring[/A]. This festival's origins are older than the [A title="Founding of Rome" href=""]founding of Rome[/A].

The religious ceremonies were directed by the Luperci, the "brothers of the wolf", priests of Faunus, dressed only in a goatskin. During Lupercalia, a dog and two male goats were [A title=Sacrifice href=""]sacrificed[/A]. Two [A title=Patrician href=""]patrician[/A] youths were anointed with the blood, which was wiped off with [A title=Wool href=""]wool[/A] soaked in [A title=Milk href=""]milk[/A], after which they were expected to smile and laugh. The Luperci afterwards dressed themselves in the skins of the sacrificed goats, in imitation of Lupercus, and ran round the Palatine Hill with thongs cut from the skins in their hands. These were called Februa. Girls would line up on their route to receive lashes from these whips. This was supposed to ensure fertility. The name of the month of [A title=February href=""]February[/A] is derived from the Latin februare, "to purify" (meant as one of the effects of fever, which has the same linguistic root).

Quite frankly it's a much better holiday than chocolates and cheap cardboard greeting cards... IMHO

Quote from: tenkani on Feb 08 06 11:30Any spiritual path that encourages it's adherents to kill others based soley on what they say/write is fundamentally unethical IMO.

That said, there are many different branches of Islam, some working for the creation of a worldwide caliphate which would impose sharia law, and others who are perfectly willing to accept and love their fellow human beings (including Jews and Christians).

Guess which Muslims get more news coverage?
It's a quality of all three Abramic Religions. Christians have no less blood on their hands than do Muslims. They all get pretty militant when their precious imagery and "morals" are disagreed with.
It's what Valentines day was before The Catholic Church and Hallmark dumbed it down and girlied it up.

I'll see if I can find a link, I'm too lazy to type today.