[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=10 width="90%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=bottom width="58%"] [DIV align=right] [P class=txtTitle align=left][A onmouseover="return si('go to: vny!://www.clintcurtis.com/contribute.html')" onmouseout=so() href="vny!://stat.blogads.com/csbegsjfenbodwjmmfdpn/thebradblog/3426918/readmore?r=0&d=vny!%3A%2F%2Fwww.clintcurtis.com%2Fcontribute.html" target=_blank][img class=blogad_thumbnail src="vny!://images.blogads.com/csbegsjfenbodwjmmfdpn/thebradblog/3426918/thumb?rev=rev_0"][/A]
[P class=txtTitle align=left]Why is American Hero Clint Curtis Running for Congress!
[P class=txtnormal align=left]His name is Clint Curtis, and he is running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida's 24th Congressional District. He will [A href="vny!://www.clintcurtis.com/Contribute.html" target=_blank]need your help.[/A]
[/DIV][/TD] [TD vAlign=center width="35%" rowSpan=2] [DIV align=center][A href="vny!://www.clintcurtis.com/emailfriend.html"][/A][/DIV][/TD][/TR] [TR class=txtnormalindent] [TD vAlign=bottom] Clint Curtis is former Republican who bravely took the path of pro-democracy whistleblower, when he chose honesty over corruption. In doing so, he became an honest American Folk-Hero for democracy. He came forward and testified to Congress under oath, regarding the request from a sitting congressman to build a computer program that could, without detection, flip your vote in an election. This manipulation would allow a person or political party to take control of voting machine and decide who wins the election, regardless of the true vote count. In March of 2005, Clint Curtis passed a polygraph test as to the accuracy of his statements.