Eves still in control of memebee

Started by Wok u like, Oct 13 18 02:26

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Mad Max

Quote from: Angry white guy on Mar 05 19 01:06
Is blurt a member or their inner circle? When mimi and eves were away scouse lump and smp took the opportunity to rip into blurt but when mimi came back she was extra vicious towards them, Blurt must have snitched  >:(
Blurt is 'in' with Mimi, and if you're 'in' with Mimi, you are 'in' the clique.  It is just that very simple!  Always has been...
[/size]Other posters like Oscar are 'in' with Mimi also.  There's a few others.
[/size]Those that aren't 'in' with her can expect a heavy dose of 'Mimi-isms' full-time, which can and will include bullshit such as arbitrary warnings and bannings.
[/size]Remember this too:  Evs and Mimi are attached at the hip.  Although they may present two completely separate posters, and have separate opinions and ideals, behind the scenes this is sadly just not true.  There, they operate as one.

Mad Max

Let's try this one more time...

Quote from: Angry white guy on Mar 05 19 01:06
Is blurt a member or their inner circle? When mimi and eves were away scouse lump and smp took the opportunity to rip into blurt but when mimi came back she was extra vicious towards them, Blurt must have snitched >:(

Blurt is 'in' with Mimi, and if you're 'in' with Mimi, you are 'in' the clique.  It is just that very simple!  Always has been...

Other posters like Oscar are 'in' with Mimi also.  There's a few others.

Those that aren't 'in' with her can expect a heavy dose of 'Mimi-isms' full-time, which can and will include bullshit such as arbitrary warnings and bannings.

Remember this too:  Evs and Mimi are attached at the hip.  Although they may present two completely separate posters, and have separate opinions and ideals, behind the scenes this is sadly just not true.  There, they operate as one.

Mad Max

One thing I should add too, is Memebee and Blue Cashew have become 'attached' again also as of late...

Admins of both forums are on very good terms with each other, which historically wasn't always the case.

A couple of great examples of this is how each forum will 'stick up and protect' the other...  I was banned at the Blue Cashew for complaining about a 90 day arbitrary ban I received at Memebee.

Another time I was automatically banned from Blue Cashew simply because I received a different 90 day ban at Memebee.  I didn't even mention that on Blue Cashew, but Admin knew about ban there, and implemented one at her forum too.

So you see, they are still very well connected 'behind the scenes'...  Evs & Mimi highly frown upon any ill talk of Blue Cashew on Memebee too.  I would most likely receive a 90 day ban from Evs should I criticize Fashionista, although that is moot since I am permabanned from both shitholes anyhow!    :D

Mad Max

The best piece of advice that I could give anyone would be this:  Understand that these people are not your 'friends', even if they come on as such.  Many are two-faced pseudo-posters that lack something in their 'real lives', and attempt to create some kind of 'controllable reality' for themselves via the forums.  They will kick you the minute you f*ck with their fantasy...  And I'm not only talking about 'regular' posters, but Mods/Admins as well.

Avoid communicating anything via PM, unless you are willing to post the same thing on the board.  You wouldn't believe how many times I have seen PM 'E-Friendships' go bad...  Or just do what I do, and don't PM with anyone as a general rule.

If you can't post it publicly on the board, don't share it at all!

Angry White Guy

Quote from: Mad Max on Mar 07 19 08:39
One thing I should add too, is Memebee and Blue Cashew have become 'attached' again also as of late...

Admins of both forums are on very good terms with each other, which historically wasn't always the case.

A couple of great examples of this is how each forum will 'stick up and protect' the other...  I was banned at the Blue Cashew for complaining about a 90 day arbitrary ban I received at Memebee.

Another time I was automatically banned from Blue Cashew simply because I received a different 90 day ban at Memebee.  I didn't even mention that on Blue Cashew, but Admin knew about ban there, and implemented one at her forum too.

So you see, they are still very well connected 'behind the scenes'...  Evs & Mimi highly frown upon any ill talk of Blue Cashew on Memebee too.  I would most likely receive a 90 day ban from Evs should I criticize Fashionista, although that is moot since I am permabanned from both shitholes anyhow!    :D

Blurtski is being attacked by all sides on memebee, something he is not used to being. He has always been protected and mollycodled, even Eves has questioned why he is going through with his operation. Though personnaly I think the whole things a troll and he probably has no intention of going through with it,he just likes the attention hes getting, hes just a drama queen whore

Mad Max

He's getting attacked no more than anyone would though, should they state that they're getting their penis chopped off!

He is protected class there, trust me.  Mimi runs the show there now, and he is in her 'circle', which will always mean protected status.  Oscar the spammer is also protected by Mimi, and I have received multiple 90 day bans for questioning why that special treatment exists!    :D

I won't comment too much regarding this issue with Evs, as she is a two-faced person, both on the forums and in 'real life' also.  There is only one person that Evs will side with every time, and that's Mimi.  That is an absolute, and anyone else to Evs can, and usually will, become nothing more than collateral damage.  In short, she's a two-faced piece of immigrant shit.  It had taken me a few years to learn this for myself, even though I had been warned about her from posters of the past that are no longer around.

And I'm not so sure Blurt is trolling...  I could be wrong, but we'll see what happens.  His cock-chop op is supposedly nearing, so we'll see!

Mad Max

You must remember one thing though, and this is very important...

EVERYTHING beautiful that was seen at Snitz DV was instantly lost when Private Messaging was implemented...

This drastic change permitted 'E-Cliques' to form almost instantly...

Old bored househags like Mimi could now become E-Friends easily with other old useless losers like Oscar, and form sickening 'E-Friendships', which disgust me.

Trust me...  More posts are now PM'd FaceShit style, than there are posts made on the board.

I predicted this, and fought against it when I could.

I don't care anymore though...  Now those geriatric f*cks can stroke each others ego via PM.  It seems like that's what they've always wanted anyhow, so now they've achieved their dream!


Karma does often hit hard in the end, and that's the best that I can hope for!

Mimi, Evs, and Fash, will get theirs... 

Those trio of hags can continue to play their game, but it won't work for them long term...

I enjoy sitting at the sidelines, watching the shit crumble around those f*cking hags!

Angry white guy

Smp hacked dv circa 2011and changed the mods passwords so they couldn't log in, do you remember that? It's a pity he or RDL can't do the same to memebee now :(

Mad Max

Quote from: Angry white guy on Mar 15 19 03:46
Smp hacked dv circa 2011and changed the mods passwords so they couldn't log in, do you remember that? It's a pity he or RDL can't do the same to memebee now :(
As a matter of fact, I do remember having issues logging in to Mod account at around that time!

That's right around the same time I had it with the Mimi & Evs Administration anyhow, so I basically told them all to go f*ck themselves.

I didn't know that was you!  You bastard!   8)

Mad Max

In fact, I thought the current Administration there had done that, as an effort to 'push me out', since I really didn't agree with their 'focus' on how the forum should be run, on more than one occasion.

That's OK though...  It was a long time ago, and nothing stays the same forever.

Angry white guy

Quote from: Mad Max on Mar 16 19 01:44
In fact, I thought the current Administration there had done that, as an effort to 'push me out', since I really didn't agree with their 'focus' on how the forum should be run, on more than one occasion.

That's OK though...  It was a long time ago, and nothing stays the same forever.

That wasnt me it was SMP who has been boasting that his attacks forced dv and mb to introduce tougher security measures. He also posted pics of womens faces covered in excrement on people's profiles and pms


Nothing wrong with creating a little ruckus every now and then!    ;D


Besides, Vin was the last 'barrier' for Evs & Mimi to 'get rid of'...  I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

Those two cunts are the most controlling, two-faced, power hungry, trolling twats you'll ever meet...  They used Vin, just as they do with all the other posters and even the Mods.  I f*cking warned Vin about those two, but he didn't listen to me.

There's a reason I'm banned from there, and it's not because I broke any rules...   ;)


It was funny when Evs stated to me that 'we brought a new Mod on to deal with you', which was Deadskin...

First off, I don't have a problem with him, other than he is a lunatic with his conspiracy theories... 

Mimi & Evs found out that we simply didn't clash enough for him to hate me too!  That pissed them off, big time.

So, they arbitrarily banned me once again!

f*ck those two old hags...  I've Modded multiple boards, posted at dozens of sites, and have NEVER seen two more fake, two-faced cunts in my life, posting on any boards in my 20 years of on-line!

One is left wondering what is missing in their actual 'real life'...  It must be something. :(

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