Eves still in control of memebee

Started by Wok u like, Oct 13 18 02:26

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I'm a cat, I'm a fish

some people just love the drama and stirring the bullshit up. they love to play "lets you and him fight" and they constantly do backchannel coms with all their little buddies. it what they live for.

that's what happens when you hang out in a vipers pit or among mentally disordered people, AKA a Mean Girls Club...eventually you become the target.

this should not surprise you.

but anyway, the trick is to pick the right beginning in order to have the kind of ending you want.

i never said it was easy

Mad Max

You are correct!

I find this all somewhat entertaining, in a boring sort of way...  It hasn't always been this way, but it is all that is left now.

An interesting look into the human nature, which was always my goal, especially as of late.

Mad Max

Can't edit posts here as a guest for clarity, but I would state that my job is done on some forums!

I am no longer welcomed back for no other reason than stating that hypocrisy is against the general rules of society...

It was a job well done.

It makes me wonder what kind of life these people really have...  They seem to desire power and control, but attempt to do so on shit forums.

Who knows?

Angry white guy

Quote from: Mad Max on Mar 12 19 11:08
He's getting attacked no more than anyone would though, should they state that they're getting their penis chopped off!

He is protected class there, trust me.  Mimi runs the show there now, and he is in her 'circle', which will always mean protected status.  Oscar the spammer is also protected by Mimi, and I have received multiple 90 day bans for questioning why that special treatment exists!    :D

I won't comment too much regarding this issue with Evs, as she is a two-faced person, both on the forums and in 'real life' also.  There is only one person that Evs will side with every time, and that's Mimi.  That is an absolute, and anyone else to Evs can, and usually will, become nothing more than collateral damage.  In short, she's a two-faced piece of immigrant shit.  It had taken me a few years to learn this for myself, even though I had been warned about her from posters of the past that are no longer around.

And I'm not so sure Blurt is trolling...  I could be wrong, but we'll see what happens.  His cock-chop op is supposedly nearing, so we'll see!
Well blurt admitted it all a big troll and fooled eves and mimi he's just a tranny and has no plans to chop of his pee pee. He then claimed he did it to troll scouse and lump so eves and mini forgave him

Mad Max

Blurt can be a sneaky one, but I know how the sneaky ones roll too...

He's still getting his cock chopped off, in my opinion, but he's now trying to game the game on the forums.

His set-up was too perfect...  He knew too much about the procedure...  The multiple trips out to Montreal (where he has to go to get this done)...  Too elaborate.

Unless he had a last minute change of mind, or he was denied the procedure for whatever reason, he will have his pee-pee removed, IMHO!

Mad Max

Sadly, I think Blurt has run into funding issues, and cannot go forth with tranny surgery. While the surgery itself is covered, there's no doubt other expenses involved (such as transportation costs, etc) that are his responsibility to cover, and he's not in a position to fund these.
[/size]This has clearly frustrated him, as he's now lashing out at the world extra hard.


 I thought you could bee anyone you wanted to be until I was warned that racism threatens the boards future because the board relys on ads for its money.
It is turning in to another chank forum with 5 or 6 regular posters posting boring topics on politics and 'what did you have for dinner' many of the more interesting people don't post there often like scouse and smp


Quote from: Anon on Apr 13 19 06:27
I thought you could bee anyone you wanted to be until I was warned that racism threatens the boards future because the board relys on ads for its money.
It is turning in to another chank forum with 5 or 6 regular posters posting boring topics on politics and 'what did you have for dinner' many of the more interesting people don't post there often like scouse and smp
They can use 'racism' as an excuse to simply get rid of posters that they do not like, and it most likely has nothing to do with advertisers.

I have dealt with Google Ads, and unless things have changed, the threshold is fairly high before Google will kick you.  They'll give you warnings first.

It is turning into another stuffy Chank forum, which is exactly what they want.  I predicted that would happen, as I know what the 'powers that be' there want...  They want a closed 'FaceBook group' type of environment, and always have.

Mimi has been the biggest push towards what you see now, and I even warned Vin about her 10 years ago.

It is truly sad for me to see, since I have been a part of these forums for a very long time, but I'm not surprised...

To be shitcanned from them for arbitrary reasons is actually a blessing to be honest...  They are nothing but a shell of their former 'glory' now, so it's of no loss to me.  It's exactly what the old househags wanted all along...  A forum to share cooking recipes on, and to pick and and choose who gets to join them in the fun of that...

If you're getting regular warnings, assume you will be shitcanned soon even if you change your posting style...  You are no longer wanted in their group, whether or not you are posting anything 'racist'...

When they shitcanned me, they were struggling to come up with reasons to the point that it almost became comical...  They had run out of reasons, because there were none.  They had run out of made up reasons after a while too.  Then finally they just shitcanned me without reason, due to my mere presence alone.

Those forums a joke now...  Slow, boring shit.  The sooner they die out completely, the better.  Then those old f*cking hags and fags can finally do what they should've done 10 years ago...  Start their private FaceBook group so they can all stroke each other there in private.


Remember, the minute those bored house hags Modded a poster like Deadskin, is the minute they sealed their own fate.

It's nothing more than a joke forum now, run by joke posters.

f*ck them, and their power trip.


Realistically, these boards are all pretty much dead now, and there's no hope in hell to 'fix' the problems they've permitted, and encouraged, to fester...

I've been posting at 4Chan on and off for probably close to 15 years now, but moreso lately...

It's pretty much my last "go to" place that is still viable in the sense that if I wanna post something, I can post something...  without repercussion from the elderly and the househags that currently run these forums.

Their little minions aren't employable there, and as such even though discussions can easily turn to shit there too, there is still much more gold to be mined there from posts...  Sometimes even diamonds.  And they usually quickly recover.

Mods there are NOT permitted to hide Oscar's spamming under Mimi's dress, and give her little 80 year old drunken child preferential special treatment, like she does.

Busy enough to run multiple subs there too, so if you don't like guns, for instance, stay outta the gun sub.


I wish DV could come back! I know someone sold the domain name to clubzone but if dv came back then memebee and the blue cashew would die as people migrate to the original vancouver forum I wish some of you guys could make that happen 8)



why not register a domain name ($15) and make a forum for yourselves?

seriously you could be up and running in under an hour and have total control over what goes on, why not?   for that matter just setup camp here, it doesn't seem like treborken or whatever gives a shit what goes on here. or contact him and ask for a board and make one of you a moderator/admin, he'd probably do it


Quote from: Rumpus on Apr 28 19 12:40
why not register a domain name ($15) and make a forum for yourselves?

seriously you could be up and running in under an hour and have total control over what goes on, why not?   for that matter just setup camp here, it doesn't seem like treborken or whatever gives a shit what goes on here. or contact him and ask for a board and make one of you a moderator/admin, he'd probably do it
I've stated this in the past:  The forum worldz do not need another forum with three whole posters!

The current state of affairs are bad enough as it is...  Last thing needed is another half-dozen shit forums appearing on the scene.


Quote from: Melvina on Apr 28 19 11:25
I've stated this in the past:  The forum worldz do not need another forum with three whole posters!

The current state of affairs are bad enough as it is...  Last thing needed is another half-dozen shit forums appearing on the scene.

So what to do now, there's SG but I'm not into flame forums, and blue frost seems very slow, maybe forums are dead

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