Prof Denied Funds Over Evolution Evidence

Started by TehBorken, Apr 06 06 06:39

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The Montreal Gazette today reported that a professor at Montreal's McGill University was refused a $40,000 grant, allegedly because 'he'd failed to provide the panel with ample evidence that [a href=""]Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is correct[/a].'  

Ironically, the grant was for a study into the detrimental effects of intelligent design on Canadian academics and leaders.

From the article: "Jennifer Robinson, McGill's associate vice-principal for communications, said the university has asked the SSHRC to review its decision to reject Alters's request for money to study how the rising popularity in the United States of 'intelligent design' - a controversial creationist theory of life - is eroding acceptance of evolutionary science in Canada."  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.