Not a dupe, it's the vulnerability du jour for Internet Explorer. If you're still using Internet Explorer, for god's sake, stop. Get FireFox. Go to [a href="vny!://"]Get FireFox[/a] or use the button on the side of the page.
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Secunia reports on a [a href="vny!://"]new vulnerability in Internet Explorer[/a].
From the article: 'This can be exploited to spoof the address bar in a browser window showing web content from a malicious web site.' According to several (german) media outlets this is already being exploited by phishing sites. Secunia has a [a href="vny!://"]test you can try[/a] to see if you are vulnerable."[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]
Why bother? It's like seeing if your brain tumor tastes good. Go to [a href="vny!://"]Get FireFox[/a] and get a browser that doesn't leak like a sieve and won't f*ck you over.