The guy who posts as Joe at

Started by Sanjay Gupta, Jul 14 13 07:30

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Sanjay Gupta

A real loser. When people post about their experiences he copies them and changes his story just a bit. The same brain dead people respond to him (mimi, realwoman, lochdubh, gayboybob). I highly doubt this idiot even leaves his bed each day. He likely has bed sores right down his body. Just before memebee shut down he threw a hissy fit accusing everyone else of lying and demanding proof of identity even though he has never one bit of proof who he is. Several of us have proved who we are and he keeps going on. He is so jealous. I think it is because he wasted his life away. He is older now, out of shape and has no job skills. Like the fat old bald guy from australia he has to live in a fantasy world in his head to make it through each day without blowing his brains out. All they hope for each day is to try to bother other people to make them as miserable as they are. Pretty sad existence. To tell you truth looking at these losers has made me a better person. I don't want to turn out like them so I exercise every day, eat healthy,  and follow my dreams and travel often. That Joe guy had never even been in the airport until he picked up some relatives a week ago and the fat aussie guy never moves away from his computer enough to even travel to the next town. Such sad old men. I don't feel sorry for them at all even though they live in hell.

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