Hey! This thread isn't going to be that intresting, It's a question about a guy. So those who don't care leave now.............If your still here I am obsessed and want advice. I really like this guy, for about 4 years now. I think he likes me but I am not sure. He is very shy but he made up a little nickname for me, always teasing, not mean like. We don't have friends in common so we only see each other at school and talk every now and again. Anyway! I recently dyed my hair and when we were in class he told me my hair looked really nice.!^^^^ Is that a sign that he likes me.? That was one of the real first nice things he's ever said to me. He usually teases. He doesn't talk to any other girl like that, that I notice. Anyone with comments would help me. If not i am just obsessed and had to rant about this. Lol.