TehBorken wrote:
Orik wrote:[BR style="FONT-STYLE: italic"][SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]What does the study say for those who hate posting photos of themselves and almost never use any of the social media network sites. [/SPAN]
The term for that is "tehborken-like".
I don't post pics of myself online.
Are there not pics of you, your son and your wife in that Cambodia thread? I don't do Facebook, Twitter, mySpace, Bebo, Linkedin, Classmates, Orkut, Stikam, etc etc etc. I don't have accounts on any of those places and I never will.
I got shit to do, I can't piss my time away 140 characters at a time, nor do I give a crap what other people are "doing right now". If I wanted to know, I'd call and ask.
You have so much shit to do but yet you can keep a forum up and running? You can't piss away time 140 characters at a time but you CAN make long posts? You can tell us about your trip with pics and links included? But honestly, I don't care what kind of donut you just ate or that you just got back from shopping, pissing, or watching some movie.
Those things never interested me either. I think sites like Twitter are best used for keeping up on current world events. In my humble opinion (which is waaaaaay better than anyone else's),
At least someone here thinks so
Twitter is nothing more than internet confetti. It's what I'd I'd throw away if I was sweeping the floor of the internet.
Facebook, mySpace, Linkedin, etc: I don't want to "friend" people who I've never met and likely never will, just because someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone is their buddy's sister's neighbor's plumber's brother. 99.999 percent of it is mental-masturbation and, as mentioned, attention-whoring.
All of it is attention whoring to a point. From every "this is what I ate for lunch" post. To every "look at where I went for my trip" post. Seems to me the moment ANYONE starts to ramble (regardless of the site they are on) that person could be called an attention whore.
Classmates: The very last thing I want to do is "connect" with people from High School, unless it's through a sniper scope.. If there was a service that would [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]prevent[/SPAN] people from my old High School "connecting" with me, I'd pay for that shit.
Wow, you had some rough school years hu?
And last but not least, "get off my lawn".
Ok gosh, you could have at least said please...meanie!