Oh, right...a NEW date for the end of the world, of course.

Started by TehBorken, May 24 11 02:48

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So the world didn't end on May 21st (obviously). But fear not, loyal mind-slaves- there's a NEW date that whackadoodle Harold Camping says is the real, actual, fer-sure date now. It's October 21st.

What, you thought he would admit he was wrong and quietly go away? Oh no.

"We've always said October 21 was the day," Camping said during his  show. "The only thing we didn't understand was the spirituality of May  21. We're seeing this as a spiritual thing happening rather than a  physical thing happening. The timing, the structure, the proofs, none of  that has changed at all."

Oh for f*ck's sake. This entire thing has got to be the most excellent example of bible-related bullshit in the history of the world. The stupidity of believers is infinite. They'll believe the most ridiculous shit, the grandest, most improbably fairy tales, and do it with a straight face. I'm talkin' to YOU, believers in an invisible sky-daddy.

Seriously, if there *were* a "god", his/her/its existence would be so obvious and apparent that everyone would recognize and believe. It would be like gravity- something that no one can deny. If there *were* a "god" it would be so blindingly obvious that there wouldn't be any arguments about whether or not it existed- just like gravity.

Please. It's 2011, stop believing in all this holy horseshit. Get a grip, face reality and get on with your life. There is no god. What you see is what you get. When you die, you're dead. You don't go anywhere. You go the same place that the flame goes when you blow out a candle.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


 We are all entitled to our own view of the worlds & life & about God..

I believe there is life after death. I have long since stopped believing in the full doggerel of then enforced Christian belief of life in a heavenly body, a place for our souls to go.. i do not think that is what will happen to us all.... I don't think we will have a consciousness in life after death.. Our existence will be transferred from one host, as we move from this flesh into the next form. There are some others that feel this way as well some think it is the wheel of life reincarnation. I am not sure that happens to our soul spirit at all.

Some believe our soul or energy passes from us in to what some think is like the [span style="text-decoration: underline;"]A[/span][a href="http://blog.aaweb.ch/wp-content/uploads/aurora_borealis-1.jpg[/img]urora Borealis[/a] this energy becomes a part of the magnetic field.  So our spirit joins the energy of the billions of other bits of energy that have gone before us.  I know I am not alone to think this..I do not know nor will ever know with any certainty where our Soul our energy or inertia  goes if it joins the rest of the cosmic rays. So be it..

My beliefs are not as strange as some some folks who believe that our spirit is controlled by aliens that life on earth as we now it was planted here. That humanity that is us all  they believe we are a experiment of advanced alien life forms. That is not much stranger than believing in Alien greys transporting our spirit the instance of our death to a new alien body..

What ever becomes of us ceases to matter when the light switch is flicked off. when our bulb goes out it will no longer matter. What once was life becomes a part of the rest of  wheel of life. As my body rots it will provide host to a myriad of germs and bugs. A host of creatures that will eat it.

In turn those same bugs will be eaten & then those animals that ate those bugs will be eaten & so on & so no.. We will live forever as a part of everything & a part of nothing. . In turn those bugs will be eaten.. and so bits of me will live on as a part of the world long after I am gone.. If I have children my blood line my DNA my little bit of myself will go on & in a way that gives me another way of achieving immortality, at least for as long as my blood line lives on... For a smaller part of my self shall live on though my progeny, provided I am lucky enough to procreate some bastards before I pass from this fleshly plain of existence..

As for Heaven I don't think We will be up and about to walk around. I seriously doubt we will  even be aware that we are dead. As Tehborken rightly said as the candle goes out so does our life...Like the light bulb when turned off the light goes out and joins the rest of the cosmos as part of the shadow the everlasting night..

We become a part of everything & a part of nothing.. One way to immortality is to become a Father & a Mother & have some sons & daughters as the years pass hopefully you shall become a grandmothers & grandfathers.. I believe one can live on in the hearts & minds immortality through the eyes of your family... to be loved by those around you & to love those that are around you in return..

I love the idea of a Christian heaven & I love going to church on Sunday for it is one of the few places I can sing with out being told to shut up.. =D I nearly died & I did pray I still do to this day.  What I do just may not be thought of as christian prayer. You see it is like this to me. It is a form of relaxation & meditation I silently think over things   want to happen such as my health getting better and other things.

I think about what ever is on my mind at the time  I release my hold on whatever is bothering me at that time & I surrender it to God. I give it to space the stars the great energy of the Magnetic field  or if you want to call her mother earth the goddess to Gia.. I surrender myself to the world.. I turn it over I like do with all things that are a burden to my mind . anything that is a burden at that time unto my heart

This way I shall not think on these things further and thus not to think on it with my minds eye any longer. Things that have happened before such as not having enough to pay my taxes or rent  I surrender my control of all things I have no control of for just what ever it may be at that time. I then turn those things over within my heart & mind

I give these things over through thoughts, prayer, meditation & sometimes in poetry or song. To the God  that is within my heart & in my mind if that is prayer, then i guess it is prayer, to me it is just good common calming meditation & it helps me to focus my inner sight which allows for me to destress & finaly relax.. My meditation/ prayer is a bit like Going to church on Sunday by singing in sunday services I find that just as relaxing as my time spent at home in reading the bible or through deep thought aka in meditation & sunday services are just as relaxing and therapeutic as my time over at the lake or down by the river fishing.  Church services & God do not need to always be found in the same place. Some of the Best places to find God are similar to a good experiance down at the river with a 9 foot fly rod & 24 lb steel-head on the line.

Whether my God / Soul seeking routines or techniques will work for you or not I do not know. I for one do not doubt that there is power in prayer, I think the main power comes from suggestion which in turn brings on the body's own way to sometimes bring about divine healing some times call divine intervention which has brought forth the people who believe in miracles.. I can not doubt that there are miracles everyday..  I have seen some great things which are nigh impossible to explain..

But to always Call it God wrought or Holy Spirit brought I do not know.  I just know prayer did work because it worked for me.

With the advances in medical science & in the fields of Nano technology these advances to science along with cloning & stem cell research plus the other great things that have been done & are still being done will maybe one day bring about the worlds population to have a lesser fear of death. Perhaps in the future if you are wealthy enough maybe you can buy your own sort of temporary  immortality. You will at least have a a form of immorality that should last at least until the mechanical parts keep going once they fail so will your existing life fail..

& my family wonders why I carried a DNR & listed myself at the hospital as a organ donor the hospital has the DNR orders do not resuscitate.. They may only artificially keep my body alive until whatever body parts they find useful can be be harvested from me & placed in to or on to some one else's body.. What need I of it, what should I care if they go ahead & dismember me considering I am dead after all. There is Immortality available to all. It just is not found in the way some like to think it is.

Live you life a little. go out & Love some one. have a good laugh & never give up at trying to make yourself a little bit better  from the inside out everyday. A few years ago I prayed & I fought for my life. I returned to my christian faith. I shall live my life until it is gone & I promise that I will enjoy it right up to my last minute of life is gone. I live with what I shall hope is very few to no regrets I read My bible it is a great adventure serious and a wonderful work of contemplative & meditative worthy fiction..

Religion is something like Tequila it should only be taken in small amounts with some grains of salt.. for all religions have a little truth in them & at times those truths can become intoxicating to, to many over zealous folks who then go do some completely stupid things.  Like pronouncing the end of the world shall happen on Day X in the Month of  Y in the year of  the Flatulent Frog 2012 . ..

I have learned to take all things I have read from the bible & heard by church preachers with a grain of salt and a bit of an open mind. & I take it in moderation just like I took my Tequila. I say to you all, Do not be a blind sheep.. but be the goat a bit obtuse a little stubborn Question Everything & always keep a open mind...

Live your life & have a little fun with it...For  this life we have, it is the greatest adventure we shall ever have. So fear not the grave life beyond death will prove either to be real or false & what care we about that. For after the flesh of this mortal coil is gone,.. If you live life in constant fear, you shall die with a thousand cowardly deaths every day.. I fear one thing & that is dieing alone with no friends or family to say good bye for me besides which Someone will need to place the gold coins on my eyes and a silver piece in my hands.. There must be a way to pay the ferryman to see what there is to see on the other side of the river.... of the damned..

There are nut cases & nut jobs.. the end of life will come or it wont.. I for one will not fear it, I plan on going to a good fishing hole that day & with some luck bringing home some cutthroats to filet for dinner & if the world comes to an end  id much rather die with a worm in my hand a hook in the other...

 I just hope not to be caught dead with my dick in my hand passed out at the urinal.  like this poor clod
[img]/forums/richedit/upload/2ka99c5e06b8.jpg" border="0"]  [img style="width: 350px; height: 293px;" src="/forums/richedit/upload/2k195d37b18f.jpg" border="0"]

as it stands there is no present day evidence proving or disproving the existence of God or of Aliens.. & I am far more inclined to Believe that Aliens visited our ancestral past & were misconstrued as Gods..  Or if you are Dyslexic that they were mistaken for Dogs..  Advanced technology & sciences to our very primitive ancestors would definitely make them look like Gods.. In away as our scientific knowledge combined with medical breakthroughs in a way mankind is becoming god like themselves..

This is one Gigantic plethora of a Pandora's box.. I for one can wait to see what ever is on the other side of life & hopefully with the advances of Science today shall be able to put it off for many more years to come.. Until death the only answer we really have On the existence God is just another million of unanswered questions

As many others have stated before me & asked before If god does exist he is one ruthless bastard with no heart or soul that is fathomable to this man.. for this is one very unjust & brutal society we live in.. I saw the remains of a man who had got bludgeoned to death by another man who had been wielding a 2x4 in a food line up within the DTES of Vancouver

The police officer that I talked with said the fight was about a 2 dollar debt (that was the price of 1 meal @ the Evelyne Saller Centre at that time).. Where was God when that happened.. Why would that be allowed to happen. What of that 2 month old child in Africa that raped and bludgeoned to death a few years ago.. I seem to remember some huge out rage over that incident. I seem to remember it was not the first time that man had done that kind of offense either.

Anyways.. The Only God I see  everyday is the one I see in the Mirror looking out from the soul of the eyes trying to look back in to me from the mirror. Hello god are you in there can you answer me? I could really use the truth about why the world is so violent & why you  allow these things to happen..  Why did that girl die of cancer 1 week after birth. why did that Girls parents die in a car accident that killed them but there was only the 1sole survivor in the auto wreck you killed her 2 brothers her other sister killed along side of her mother father & both sets of grandparents.

I will let you all know if I ever get a response.. Mind you I shall not be holding my breath waiting for one.

The only thing that will heal this world is us & sadly the majority of human life on this planet is just to damned egotistical  mostly we are just to damned selfish to do what is right..It would be so easy to feed the rest of the world to build and to create.. instead the Virus known as mankind spreads & continues to decimate our Mothers Resources (earth)  There may be no future for my children's children to grow up in...

Anyway there is more to life it is Death what happens after is anyone's guess.
So go out & have some fun just in case this is all we ever get.
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:
> I believe there is life after death.

I don't. "Life" after death implies some sort of "mind" without a body or anything to "be" the "mind". It's just not reasonable to believe in this. As for "going someplace", there has to be something to "go"...and there isn't.

Look, the thing that is your "mind", the thing that makes you "you"...it's a very lovely and complex series of electrochemical interactions in your brain. It's not unlike all of the electrical processes inside a computer or even a TV. When you turn a TV off, all of that stops and disappears...it doesn't go anywhere. It just stops.

Your brain, the thing that contains your mind, is a vastly more complex  version of that...and when it stops, the thing that made it "you" stops  too...and it doesn't go anywhere. It just stops. What's "you" is the activity in your brain.

When you erase an Etch-A-Sketch, does the picture "go" somewhere? No...it's just gone. The particles that made the picture are still there, but the picture itself is gone. It doesn't go anywhere. Our brain is like a very wonderful, very elegant Etch-A-Sketch.

I know this is disturbing to a lot of people. People hate to hear this. It's very comforting to believe that there is something after death, but there isn't. You die. Your brain stops. The end. Sad but true. That's why I think people should seek to make the most of what they have in the here and now. Enjoy life now, because once it's over, it's over.

> I don't think we will have a consciousness in life after death.. Our existence will be
> transferred from one host, as we move from this flesh into the next form.

There is no reason to believe this. In my opinion this is wishful thinking and there's no reason to believe it's true. Our existence is the sum of our actions, there is no ethereal life force or "soul" that survives death. You blow out the candle and the flame is gone. It doesn't survive being extinguished...it's just gone. And that's okay.

> There are some others that feel this way as well some think it is the wheel of life
> reincarnation. I am not sure that happens to our soul spirit at all.

Reincarnation is a lovely thought too, but there's no reason at all to think that there's anything to it. It's just another wish-fulfillment idea, that no matter what, there will be something after we die. There isn't. We just die. Our brain stops and the wonderfully complex interplay of electrical pulses that makes us "us" just stops.

It's not a bad thing. The universe got along fine for billions of years before I was born and it'll get along just fine for billions of years after I'm dead. :)

> So go out & have some fun just in case this is all we ever get.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


 "Seriously, if there *were* a "god", his/her/its existence would be so obvious and apparent that everyone would recognize and believe. It would be like gravity- something that no one can deny. If there *were* a "god" it would be so blindingly obvious that there wouldn't be any arguments about whether or not it existed- just like gravity. "

I'm with you on that one.  Why the mystery.  Why only 'chosen'.  It's all so ungodly.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I forgot all about this foretold tale and missed the end of the world. But in a way its been extended so at least I can make it the next time I guess. lol
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


will stay sober for this new date..........maby.......lol.........

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God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!