The Army Captain

Started by Gopher, Dec 03 10 07:14

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 Oh no Natasha, she was great in many things not just sex. She had a  compassionate nature but a minor flaw or a con which was the opposite of  her compassion. And that was she had a fiery temper, when angered she  was capable of nearly anything and if she was particularly angry at me I  learned to duck fast  =).

There was another side to her that I  saw. She was easy to talk to and confide in, She was very intelligent.  She could strike up a conversation with pretty much anyone and maintain a  very captavating discourse with a person and pretty soon those people  were confiding in her all kinds of things.

So no it was not book  smarts that she had such as the likes of math but she was a A student  in Social Sciences and Psychology. To me she always seemed to know what  made people tick she had some interesting thoughts on criminology and  changes that needed to be made to the courts.

I would not be  surprised to learn that she had attained a bachelor of sciences and took  a masters in Psychology from her university studies. She was brilliant,  I am not a very smart nor am I a stupid man but there were times around  her I would feel less than significant..

I initiated our teen  relationship but she ended it.  Where as she initiated our adult  relationship and it was ended by me. So no I do not think she was good  for only sexual relations at all.. she was a learning curve on the road  of life. lots of fun in bed and at the amusement park. She was capable  of excellent dinner conversation and maintaining social discourse on a  wide variety of subjects..

While there where many things about  her I loved, there was also many things about her I disliked. then again  that is true in almost all relationships. In many ways I was impressed  with her but in some ways I felt challenged by her. As for our relations  they were often hot & steamy but there was also a fair bit of  interaction in many things other than just sex.

damn that was a long answer for what seemed like a easy question

Hey Russ, I once escorted a stripper around for a time.. I wouldn't call it dating cause there was no relations but we did hang out talk and drink together quiet a fair bit.. She was a good friend.. it is a complete shame she became addicted to hard core drugs.. I watched her turn from a beautiful young woman into a rather piteous site..

There are some very wonderful woman out there. If you can not get past what they do for a living you may never meet them.
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:

damn that was a long answer for what seemed like a easy question

 Yes it was but I've come to expect it from you  :)