June Maxam tryig to make her own laws, lol

Started by TehBorken, Oct 25 10 12:54

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I love people that think they can unilaterally make up their own laws, or better yet, like June Maxam, pretend that she can tell you that the laws of the United States don't apply to her. For example, June Maxam thinks that simply claiming that "Fair Use" doesn't apply to her crappy little "blog paper", the North Country Gazette, means that no one can quote or use any material from the blog, mention it or perhaps, even have a dream about it.
[/p]For example, she'll claim that the excerpt below is "illegal":
[/p]"LAKE GEORGE—A motorist who was stopped for driving without  headlights, using a cell phone while driving and failing to stay in his  lane has been charged with operating a motor vehicle with a blood  alcohol content nearly four times the legal threshold for intoxication  of .08%."[/p]Well, guess what- according to the law in the US, the above excerpt is legal. So when June Maxam sends one of her patented "Wah Wah Wah" letters to me, I'll send her back a reply suggestive of the reply in [a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_Eye#Litigation"]Arkell vs Pressdram[/a].
[/p][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"]Some background info:[/p]June Maxam (b. 1948) is a [a href="http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Troll" title="Troll"]troll[/a]  in the classical sense that she's a miserable old hag who lives under a  bridge.  As co-publisher of the failed Empire Journal, publisher of the  failed "Twisted Web" book, and publisher of the failed free community  newspaper (est. 1981) and now the always failing pay-per-click infested [a href="http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Blog" title="Blog" class="mw-redirect"]blog[/a] [a href="http://www.northcountrygazette.org/" class="external text" title="http://www.northcountrygazette.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]North Country Gazette[/a], her expertise in Internet [a href="http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Lolsuit" title="Lolsuit" class="mw-redirect"]Lawl[/a]  as resulted in her issuing several baseless cease and desist orders to  anyone who dares give her blog free publicity, claiming her site is  exempt from all Fair Use laws.  [/p]Maxam previously filed a string of failed state and federal  lawsuits, and was labeled a "frequent filer" by a Warren County court  employee.  [/p]Maxam resides in Chesterbrook, New York, has no friends, is hated  and despised by her neighbors, and is known locally as the "Queen Of  Foster Flats Road." Maxam feels the need to surround her home in the  tiny village with "No Trespassing" signs. [/p]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.