
Started by Gopher, Sep 23 10 02:41

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lol.. thank you.

  It seems as if I usually miss everyone on here but at least it's easy to keep up with everyone  :)


Very true. I'm rarely here at the same time as anyone else.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Orik wrote:
Hi PC =( sorry to see you go so soon PC... How you doing? Where you been ? What you been doing?
Hi Russ =) how is life going now ? Just which side of the planet are you on this time ? Hope all is well.

Hey Orik, been Really busy the last while. Trying to catch up now.
I was away, then home, did lots of renos and such. Now Im away again.. away from Las Palmas now on our way back to West Africa.
Alls well so far..
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims