Pictures Only Please!

Started by kits, Feb 09 06 02:47

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See my comment elsewhere about sleeplessness.
A fool's paradise is better than none.



wow pitt, that's awesome.

Way beats my cliff overlooking a highway and a bunch of houses for about 10 miles.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


that pic was taken only five minute drive from my house.  I am nestled in the center of mountains..with a nice river running through....I Love my area.  I wouldn't trade it in for the world.  


wow you're lucky to be around mountains.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I've got a 4,000 acre farm as an oasis from the city.  I get to play Clark Kent when I go down there which is always cool.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


no doubt!!!!  Great getaway!!!!!!


yup its a nice place to get away and reflect.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


well...this thread has been quiet way too long...

  snap to it and git sommore pics going!


[A href=""][SPAN class="image thumbnail"][img title="Kermode Bear" style="WIDTH: 153px; HEIGHT: 209px" height=100 alt="Kermode Bear" src="" width=63][/SPAN][/A] a blurry pic of one of our local attractions here!  This pic made the front cover of our phone book


ah cool polar bear!
Makes me want to get my diet coke in the kitchen.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


that isn't a polar bear SD.  It is called a kermodei bear.  Or a white black bear, or spirit bear.  Check it out on Google!


[A href=""][img height=216 src="" width=138 align=right border=0 NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"][/A]another pic


Oh those Bears! Yeah I've heard about them, only place in the world you can find them is in BC and their forest was being logged or something.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


yessirreee!  They are protected here though.  There was a cub that was intown raiding garbages.  It was captured and moved way out of town.  The other black bears and grizzlies that came into town last year didn't fare so well though.  It was a horrible massacre of bears.


[A href=""][/A] is a link for you SD
