I kinda understand that one Russ, I have been there done that to, but thankfully I no longer work job sites like ot.. I must say I do miss the money though, overtime shifts from the fish plant, working 16 hour day or longer. Going home exhausted but rich...1500 to 2000 + dollar paychecks per week & yes that was after taxes.
In many ways I miss it.. I heard the fish industry has had a marvellous bit of a come back on right now. Shamefully I can't do the job anymore, besides the site is not disabled friendly but it would of been nice to earn some large cash for doing only a few days of work once again..
The money I could of earned in a week, would go a long way for the winter months of probably having to survive on welfare unless I can manage to find a disabled friendly job site. I am not capable of working many job sites or positions anymore. There is also one other problem in that there are just to many applicants, many with better education or skills, I am just not what most companies want in a employee.
I thought it was Thursday today and since I have not read a newspaper in a couple of days nor turned on the news it was easy to lose track of time since I got a good book series & I have been steadily been devouring it. I lost all track of time doing so & let me say that is a very bad habit to get into...One I tend to do a little to often at times..