Interesting facts about the human body

Started by Gopher, Jun 09 10 07:49

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Itsy Bitsy

It pays the bills. And allows me to save up money for my future small town cottage.

  Who's Kathy?


Itsy Bitsy wrote:
 It pays the bills. And allows me to save up money for my future small town cottage.

  Who's Kathy?[/DIV]
 That is the name of the flying pig. Orik gave it that name in another thread that explains why
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

Itsy Bitsy

Hahahaha shit that explains so much. Man I feel blonde. :D


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Actually, time spent on the internet is the number one source of workplace theft.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Itsy Bitsy

Yeah I'm blonde too... it's just really showing today.

  Yup, I'm a thief alright. I can't believe I still work here. Even better, I was given a raise at christmas when most people weren't. People were getting laid off, but I got a raise. It makes me wonder what the hell other people are doing at their desks. *pops head up and looks around at other cubicals*


  Good point.  What ARE they doing.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


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Sometimes things are not what they seem.
 [DIV style="WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: blue; OVERFLOW: auto"]East Side @ Main & Hastings[/DIV]
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God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Itsy Bitsy wrote:
 Yeah I'm blonde too... it's just really showing today.

  Yup, I'm a thief alright. I can't believe I still work here. Even better, I was given a raise at christmas when most people weren't. People were getting laid off, but I got a raise. It makes me wonder what the hell other people are doing at their desks. *pops head up and looks around at other cubicals*[/DIV]
 You got the raise cause you are blonde.......I would give you a raise
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


P.C. wrote:
  Good point.  What ARE they doing.  [img border=0 src="richedit/smileys/Happy/4.gif"]  
     Well if they are doing what I am I would have to fire them all........including myself
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!

Itsy Bitsy

^ haha

  I honestly think it's because I'm 1.young 2.a woman. They are short on both of those categories here.


Itsy Bitsy wrote:
 ^ haha

  I honestly think it's because I'm 1.young 2.a woman. They are short on both of those categories here.[/DIV]
 Well have you thought that you are good at what you do when you do it.  ;)
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!