What where your first few jobs in life. personal history.

Started by Orik, Apr 22 10 07:51

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A little bit of "back story", because everyone but me and a few other people here are coming in at the end of Act III and wondering who the hell "Kathy" is and what her problem might be.

"Kathy" often gets sloppy when she's been drinking, and she often [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]browses[/span] stumbles the web when she drinks. And that's usually at night, when the walls of her fabulously wonderful life begin to close in on her. That's when she realizes that she's come to the end of her personal road, and there's a "No Outlet" sign ahead. She's mostly friendless, stuck in what she herself has said is a "dreadful" marriage, living in a big, empty house. And that's when the bitterness and vitriol start to flow.

She could have had a very nice life with my friend, but she chose not to. That's fine, we all make choices and we all live with the results of those choices. But she won't let go and she refuses come to terms with the aftermath of her decision. Years later she's still unhappy with what her choices cost her and so she blames anyone and everyone but herself for the way things turned out. She blames Jack for not putting up with her lies and decietful behavior. She blames me for introducing Jack to a lovely young lady who was ready, willing, and able to start a life with him. She blames Jack's wife for being younger than her, pretty, and for being well-liked by all of us.

"Kathy" used to write me frequently, and was always "casually" inquiring about where Jack was, what he was doing, how he was doing, and who he was doing it with. "Kathy"was incensed by the fact that Jack didn't sit around pining away for months over their breakup, instead he went on with his life. Jack is like me in several respects, and one way is that we do things. We don't sit around thinking about doing things or talking about doing things, we just go do them.

So when I introduced Jack to one of my wife's friends and they hit it off, a few weeks later he flew with me to Cambodia and got engaged. "Kathy" was outraged over the fact that Jack was moving on with his life and not wasting any time doing so. And that's when "Kathy" made her true nature known. The snarky, hateful comments and put-downs started almost immediately and they just got worse and worse. For example: His wife was "too young". Her skin was "too nice". Jack looked "too happy". He got engaged "too fast". Etc etc etc. Like this was any of her f*cking business.

As part of my "adventure series" (lol), I told [a href="http://discoverseattle.net/cambodia/"]my story[/a] about [a href="http://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php/topic,3388.0.html"]meeting my wife[/a] here. I also mentioned the part where [a href="http://discoverseattle.net/forums/index.php?topic=3388.msg126995#msg126995"]Jack flew with me to Cambodia and got engaged[/a], and "Kathy" has been obsessively monitoring this forum ever since, hungrily looking for any mention of him.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


TehBorken wrote:
I'm thinking it's almost time to take a vote on banning "Kathy", as all she wants to do is make trouble and whine about how mean everyone is to her. (She's always been like this- she starts trouble, then cries about how unfair it is when anyone dares to call her on her bullshit. Oooh, the mean mean people in the forum are abusing me, oh boo hoo hoo.)

"Theorist" called you dead to rights. Now go on, keep posting your drunken bullshit. Maybe I'll have Bill come read this thread and see what he makes of it.

   I do not think we want to ban her. I need a good laugh every now and then and she makes me LOL. I now have this image of her in my mind and I am very glad she does not live in BC
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


  This is all fine and dandy however, is it not a wee bit off topic ?
Perhaps Kathy could post how she started off in life, what her first few jobs where.

This is a thread on that very topic after all

Job and personal history

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:
Kathy shall be the name of the flying pig, now and forevermore to be...

[img id=karmaImage onclick=captured(); border=0 name=karmaImage src="http://discoverseattle.net/forums/pig_l.gif" width=68 height=72]  Hi Kathy  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


 Orik wrote:
This is all fine and dandy however, is it not a wee bit off topic ?
Perhaps Kathy could post how she started off in life, what her first few jobs where.

In a word, "no". I'm not interested in having her participate here, I don't care to know her personal or job history and I'm not inclined to let her take a crap in my sandbox. So, no, not in this instance.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Me thinks you really do not like her..............just the way i feel about irish and his buddy gordy  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


 Lol, understandable TB, I would like to see the thread get back to topic though.... Just get so bored sometimes...    
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


TehBorken wrote:
I'm not inclined to let her take a crap in my sandbox.

 lol..oook.  Never heard that one before.



I have heard it before, I just have never heard it used so well before and with so much enthusiasm... I get the feeling Tehbork does not like this lady to much... Anyways ...Thanks Kathy I caught 6 more blessings today.... =D
Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


OK back on topic..when did you get your 1st BJ  
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


How does that question apply to the topic ? D you sometimes are just as sick as SMP and RDL.

Your mind is constantly in the toilet and needs to be flushed

Never give up Never surrender Fight with ur last breath Fight 2 live & Fight 2 survive. Never say never & never say die. There comes a time when all will die A time we transcend & attain our place afterlife. My Fight is not yet done, I'm tired & I'd like to go home, But I'm not ready to go just yet.


Orik wrote:
How does that question apply to the topic ? D you sometimes are just as sick as SMP and RDL.

Your mind is constantly in the toilet and needs to be flushed

Lets see I think about SEX all the time not the crap they post or put links to like SMP did at DV to the mod then posted it at DATW that has no person looking after it as most don't care or are never there now. So if you want to see sick shit just go there
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!


Hmmm, well let's see... I had tons of jobs really...

  washed cars as a kid in my neighbourhood, along with my brother & sister... we did rather well (in kid terms).... in later highschool years, Myself, (and a few of my friends) would get hired in the summertime at the Black & White whisky bond.... it was good money for a h/s student.  When I was 15 my dad got me a job in a friends bar a few evenings per week, I loved it, as I was young and really shouldn't have been allowed to work there, I also worked in a clothing boutique on weekends.... at 16 I left home, but continued with school & worked evenings in another bar... later moving onto nightclubs.   At 19, I moved to England, and at 24 I moved to Cda.  :)


Orik wrote:
How does that question apply to the topic ? D you sometimes are just as sick as SMP and RDL.

Your mind is constantly in the toilet and needs to be flushed

He can be a tad sex focused sometimes but in all fairness the name of the thread is "What were your [FONT color=#c00000]first [/FONT]few [FONT color=#c00000]jobs[/FONT] in life. personal history." It doesn't say work related jobs..  lol  ;)


Natasha wrote:
Orik wrote:
How does that question apply to the topic ? D you sometimes are just as sick as SMP and RDL.

Your mind is constantly in the toilet and needs to be flushed

He can be a tad sex focused sometimes but in all fairness the name of the thread is "What were your [FONT color=#c00000]first [/FONT]few [FONT color=#c00000]jobs[/FONT] in life. personal history." It doesn't say work related jobs..  lol  ;)

  See asking that was in keeping with this thread
God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!
