I realize this is last years story, but I missed it.
Is there absolutely anyone who thinks this contractor has ANY claim what-so-ever to this money ? This is the most bizarre thing. Since when did it occur to someone, that if they find something in someone elses house, that they are entitled to keep it

[SPAN id=intelliTXT itxtvisited="1"] [P itxtvisited="1"][STRONG itxtvisited="1"]CLEVELAND — A contractor who found $182,000 in Depression-era currency hidden in a bathroom wall has ended up with only a few thousand dollars, but he feels some vindication.[/b]
[P itxtvisited="1"]The windfall discovery amounted to little more than grief for contractor
[FONT color=#0000ff]Bob Kitts, who couldn't agree on how to split the money with homeowner Amanda Reece[/FONT].
[P itxtvisited="1"]It didn't help Reece much, either. She testified in a deposition that she was considering bankruptcy and that a bank recently foreclosed on one of her properties.
[P itxtvisited="1"]And 21 descendants of Patrick Dunne — the wealthy businessman who stashed the money that was minted in a time of bank collapses and joblessness — will each get a mere fraction of the find.
[P itxtvisited="1"][A href="vny!://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,449114,00.html"]vny!://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,449114,00.html[/A]