The Ebony Lounge

Started by P.C., Mar 27 06 09:57

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eh, I really want out of Saint Louis, place is driving me crazy.

My first plan is to go to school get a degree in poly sci and a minor in social welfare. Therefore when I move to Vancouver I can get a job as a social worker while working on my law degree. Anyway thats what I'm thinking at the moment.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hope you manage to rise above it (while you're still there) However, always better to protest than simply sit back and take it all - this just leads to apathy which is very hard to escape. You've definitely got the right attitude.  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


lol right attitude, sure. I'm as violatile emotionally as Niagra Falls is to spewing water. I'm a roller coaster. Up down Up down.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
 lol right attitude, sure. I'm as violatile emotionally as Niagra Falls is to spewing water. I'm a roller coaster. Up down Up down.

[FONT color=#0000bf]At your age I was the same, it took a long time for life to start happening for me.[/FONT]
A fool's paradise is better than none.


My counselor said there are two kinds of people

1) first 20 years of there life is the shitiest time, really rough. Then the next 60 are great

then there's the people

2) Who's first 20 years are the best of there life when the next 60 is filled with divorce, alcoholism, abuse, mid life crisis, and not dealing with pressure because they were coddled as kids.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I never really worked out how, when and why it all changed. But when it did, it did in a big way. And from having always  being fascinated by other countries as a child, and  almost constantly daydreaming of travelling (but never really thinking I would), I now find myself having visiited about 20 countries.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


[FONT color=#0000bf]At your age I was the same, it took a long time for life to start happening for me[/FONT]

[FONT color=#0000bf][/FONT]

[FONT color=#0000bf][/FONT]

[FONT color=#000000]I think that's what I did.  I waited for life to happen to me.  I learned it was better to MAKE life happen. (unfortunately, I learned this too late for SOME things).[/FONT]

  When you let life happen, too much of what comes your way, may not be the things you would choose.  Be pro-active.  Make what you WANT to happen, HAPPEN.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I think my approach was to hide from life so I wouldn't be hurt.  Once I learned that hiding wouldn't protect me and actually made me more vulnerable I decided to go for it and damn the consequences.  It's much better this way.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


thanks everyone. For the past 2 years I've gone too deep into a cave and I'm trying to get out. Its tough but I'm tired of watching life go by even though its not it just feels like it.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I do understand, Sportsdude.  Depression is a horrid thing to go through, and it strangles all incentive.  I'm so glad that you are working your way back from it, and you have so much to look forward to.  Just remember, you are the most important person you know, so take good care of yourself.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


yeah but its like a leech that just won't go away or better yet its herpes the gift that keeps on giving. lol. Especially when over half of your life you've been battling this disease. lol I remember the day they told me something was wrong with me. They said I was like 'infected' try telling a 4th grader he's got depression and those thoughts of killing himself are not real is hard to comprehend for youngsters. Never really started to understand what I was going through untill a couple of years ago. Before that it was always 'why me'.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


The best way to cope with depression is to learn as much as you can about it.  Then you can look for solutions based on what you have learned.  I wouldn't expect people to understand depression in a child, but it really is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain.  There are medications to counteract it, but they don't necessarily work the same on everybody.  So you have to keep trying until you find one that works best for you.  You don't need something that numbs the brain, just something that calms it so that you can function effectively.  You'll get there, don't worry.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I know I'm on the way back.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I  am sure you will find a lot more incentive to accomplish things as time goes on, but you have to decide that for yourself.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I know. I've got to learn, cope, and move on.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
