The Ebony Lounge

Started by P.C., Mar 27 06 09:57

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kitten to bed.  I was hoping for a conversation, but maybe tomorrow.  Goodnight, all.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Good night kitten. Saving a 1 year old cat tomorrow. Tigger is his name was roughed up by some boxers as a deep puncture in his lower stomach, looks like a gun shot.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Good for you, Sportsdude!  A cat saved is a blessing earned.        
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Hello loungers...(teehee).  Haven't had enough wakefulness to post for the last couple days.  

  I'm curious to know about cats and margarine Kitten.  I have never heard of this.  Is this a common 'prescription' for a specific ailment ??????

  Way to go sportsdude....I too bless you for saving a kitty.

    HI TENKANI !!!!!!!!!!![img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I hadn't heard of it either, but I knew that oils were good for a cat's fur.  He rejected fish oil, so I tried mineral oil on a vet's reccomendation.  Again no go, so when he showed a liking for margarine, I immediately got him his own Becel, which does have oils.  He loves it, and his coat is much glossier now.  I highly recommend it for fussy cats.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


I'd worry that the little butterball would ....ahem....blossom beyond all good looks.  He's a handsome lad, but not exactly what one could call svelt.  He's not really over weight, but he's a big boy and his stomach almost touches the groun from his stretched bladder situation.  Wouldn't want to see him fill that  He also turns his nose up at fish....even fresh fish.   Picky picky picky.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


The Becel is the heart-smart margarine, but you just give him maybe one teaspoon a day in his dish and spread it out so he doesn't get a big gob of it all at once.  I saw this guy and thought he was worth sending to you.  Cute, eh?

    [img class=image title="" height=146 alt="" src="" width=200 border=0]  
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Ohhhhhh......he's adorable Kitten.    (you sure got this picture posting down good now !!!!)

  I've got to tell you about this bird (?) that is waking me up at night.  It is without a doubt the weirdest sound I have EVER heard.  I went through this a year ago, and told everyone about it hoping someone would know what I was referring to. ( Of course they all just think I'm nuts)  

  So this thing has the most varied 'vocabulary' imaginable.  So when I got up this morning, I could hear it again....and ran downstairs to alert hubby, who hasn't heard it YET.  OF COURSE it didn't make another sound.  ARRRRGGGGGG.    I'm thinking it must be some kind of owl.

  I called the wildlife recovery place to see if anyone else has heard this peculiar sound, and he asked me to 'mimic' it.  Riiiiiight.  He said there have been reports of snowy owls is the area, and I aske him if he could mimic it for me.   The mystery lives on.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Discover Seattle gives you 183% of your recommended daily allowance of kittens.  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


ROFL tenkani....well if I'm going to OD on anything, kittens are the most lovely choice.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


The cat who is almost a year (is huge by the way) got into trouble with a bunch of my cousins boxers who usually run after Tigger until he runs up a tree. (He loves to climb trees). Well this time the boxers had him cornered and ripped him up pretty badly. Thank god we came down there this weekend because the incident happend a couple of weeks ago and know one told us about it (its our cat) and the vet said if he hadn't had surgery to get it fixed he would have died a couple weeks. The puncture was pretty bad related it to a gunshot wound. It was deep and they removed a lot of scare tissue. No nerve damage so thats okay but he's staying up here now. Poor guy sleeping in his cage. Now him and Ozzie have something in common they've been to hell and back or have experienced anesthesia.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Oh, poor Tigger1  I'm glad he's going to be okay, but why was he staying with those people and their boxers?  You did say that he's your cat.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


He was staying at the family farm. There are two other cats there Stinky and Yellow. Stinky is a black cat that just whips up on Yellow who we think used to be a house cat and showed up at the farm one day. Yellow is huge. He weighs like 30 pounds and thats not fat. He just sits around all day. Tigger came to us because my sister did this horse riding lesson and the people were giving away free kittens. So my sister took one and we brought it to the farm for my my grandma who had just had a stroke and has been lonely ever since Grandpa died. So Tigger grew up for about a year at the farm. Then Grandma came to live with us and we left the cat there for the time being. We didn't know what to do with Angel (are other cat) because dad didn't want her in the new house because she sheds but Angel who use to be an outdoor cat in her early years has no claws anymore (we took both out) so if she stayed outside which she will she will need protection. Thats were Tigger comes in. And the boxers were my cousins. Brutus is huge he weighs about 160lbs. and Macy (Brutus's mom) is hyper and a controlling bitch. Brutus didn't get his fathers DNA (Max) because Max isn't hyper and the only thing Max does is go after moles in the ground. Macy on the other hand is hyper and likes to get in fights. Big dogs and agressiveness don't mix well. So this weekend we happen to take Grandma back down to the farm for the week and I discovered Tigger had a huge hole in his stomach. My cousin said it happend a couple of weeks ago. Well anyway as we were about to leave I showed my sister, dad and mom tiger's injury and we decided to get that fixed he had surgery today and is currently sleeping in his cage.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Poor little cat.

I'm sending him a positive chi bubble.
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


Pics of the farm. Well the land anyway. Will go up on a 150 ft. yes a 150 FOOT grain tower next weekend and will get better views. These were taken on my cell phone.

  [A href=""][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="" border=0][/A]

From on top of a bluff over looking cousins house.

  [A href=""][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="" border=0][/A]

From the farm looking out toward the rail road tracks (can't see them about a mile away in the tree line)

  [A href=""][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="" border=0][/A]

Farm pic Looking out towards the road sorry about the light it was dusk.

  [A href=""][img alt="Image hosting by TinyPic" src="" border=0][/A]

Looking out towards the fields which are bare right now due to the fact that planting season hasn't started yet.      
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
