Things that I think are odd about the official 9/11 story

Started by van_guy, May 13 09 09:42

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10b) What are the chances that the only 3 steel framed highrises to collapse due to fire in the same day are owned by the same guy - who happened to have terrorism insurance and bought them just a few months ago.  (Pretty good return on investment)

plus all three buildings collapse more or less into their footprints (i.e. fall straight down)

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


10c) What are the chances that the only 3 steel framed highrises to collape due to fire in the same day are owned by the same guy - who happened to have terrorism insurance and bought them just a few months ago.  (Pretty good return on investment)

plus theat all three buildings collapse more or less into their footprints (i.e. fall straight down)

plus these buildings required to have the asbestos removed before any significant remodelling took place (hideously expensive)

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


11)  Why were all the window blown out at ground floor of the towers - why were there reports of explosions in the subbasement, why were there huge granite slabs blow off the walls of the lobby if the planes crashes 100 stories above???

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


This has stirred up some controversy already - and I know PC is game - so here it is ...

    Every question you asked has plagued me like.....the plague.  I found this thread too late....I'll add my 2 cents worth tomorrow.

But...who will answer ? [img onclick="selecte('eh.gif');" alt=emoticon src="" border=0]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Every question you asked has plagued me like.....the plague; I found this thread too late....I'll add my 2 cents worth tomorrow. But...who will answer ?

I'm kinda glad that I have that effect on people - hopefully some of my comments cause at least one person to look at their values / beliefs and ask why do i believe that or ...

I will answer   ;)
Probably from Mexico though ... I'm off to pack now.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


10d) All three buildings fell at or near free fall speeds - i.e. the lower floors offered no resistance to the collasing of the upper floors.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


10e) Silverstien's televised comment to "pull" building 7.  This is a demolition term used to refer to blowing up a building.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


10f) The scrap from the demolition of the buildings were not studied - the scrap was sent to china for recycling.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


10g) Traces of thermite were recovered from the wreckage of tower 1 (2?)  and examined by a prof at BYU.  Huge pools of motlen iron were observed in the wreckage of towers 1 and 2.  This does not make sense unles large amounts of an explosive like thermite wasn't used.  Material that looked like molten steel was observed poring out of Building 1 (2?) - again you would need thermite to do this.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Hey van guy.  Haven't sunk my teeth into this one yet.  Been busy whipping the yard into shape for summer time relaxin.  But I will.  I'm almost afraid to get back into it.....Sawdust worried for a while that I was almost becoming obsessed.  lol   I couldn't stop asking questions, and spent hours and hours a day googling any and all info I could find.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Here's what I'd like to know: Where the HELL did the wings from the 757 that hit the Pentagon go to? Hmmm? Where are they?

Why aren't there any marks on the build where the wings would have hit? How does a soft aluminum nosecone penetrate multiple layers of reinforced cement walls? Why is there virtually no wreckage at the site? Where are all the tray tables, seats, luggage, bodies, and other stuff that's ALWAYS found at every other airplane crash?

Whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, it sure as shit wasn't a 757.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Why did it take almost 5 years.....FIVE YEARS, for the Justice Department to release the tapes of flight 77 striking the Pentagon.  Why, why, why would it take 5 years ?  And even at that, the video was only a composition of still images taken from two security cameras from the pentagon from 2 different angles.  "Previously released still photographs from those cameras show the Pentagon on fire, but no images of the Boeing 757 striking the building have ever been made public."  

 Why ?  If the video images from the security cameras would dispell instantly any 'misconceptions'....then why are they not out there for the world to see.  



Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 TehBorken wrote:
[span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"]Here's what I'd like to know: Where the HELL did the wings from the 757 that hit the Pentagon go to?[/span] Hmmm? Where are they?

They certainly are not visible.

Why aren't there any marks on the build where the wings would have hit? How does a soft aluminum nosecone penetrate multiple layers of reinforced cement walls? Why is there virtually no wreckage at the site? Where are all the tray tables, seats, luggage, bodies, and other stuff that's ALWAYS found at every other airplane crash?

No marks visible.
9 feet of concrete.  There is NO way an alluminum plane can do that.  No freakin' way.
There is nothing to show a plane hit the Pentagon.

here is the link to the "Hunt the Boeing" website ...  [a href=""][/a]

Whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, it sure as shit wasn't a 757.

there are at least 8 different things that dictate that there was no 757.  

1) size of hole
2) no wreckage
3) flight path - the supposed terroist was a poor pilot (barely fly a cesna) the flight path was extraordinary - steep bank inches off the ground etc...
4) lack of fire damage
5) penetration of 9 feet of concrete
6) lack of video showing crash
7) confiscation of videos within minutes from hotel / gas station
8) numerous eyewitnesses smelling cordite (explosive)

It just doesn't add up.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


 Why ?  If the video images from the security cameras would dispell instantly any 'misconceptions'....then why are they not out there for the world to see.     Exactly right.  If a 757 hit a Wall mart the store surveilance would have 3 or 4 different views of it.  We are not talking about a Wall mart though we are talking about one of the most secure buildings on the planet.  I've heard that ever square inch is covered by video surveilance.  This means that there must have been literally 100's of cameras that captured the plane.  They show the public 5 frames from the parking lot that don't show a plane that have the wrong time and date on them ...
[/p]If they have nothing to hide ... show a couple of tapes with a 757 in it.
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Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)
