Michel wrote:
Oh I tought you were going in Baja? You will actually be facing the sea of Cortez, but not in Baja then?
There are some pictograph a little south of where you'll be. I was supposed to go there last Christmas, but found way too much other sites on my way there, so I postponed it to next Christmas.
Most people don't know mexican geography very well, but if i say baja peninsula area they get an idea of where I will be.
OK - cool - how much furhter south? 10 km or 200km?
[A href="vny!://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Navojoa,+Sonora,+Mexico&sll=26.194877,-108.237305&sspn=18.039326,27.949219&dirflg=r&date=09%2F05%2F14&time=21:59&ttype=dep&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&ie=UTF8&ll=27.80021,-109.423828&spn=17.78758,27.949219&z=5&iwloc=A"]vny!://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Navojoa,+Sonora,+Mexico&sll=26.194877,-108.237305&sspn=18.039326,27.949219&dirflg=r&date=09%2F05%2F14&time=21:59&ttype=dep&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&ie=UTF8&ll=27.80021,-109.423828&spn=17.78758,27.949219&z=5&iwloc=A[/A]