That is really cool P.C. That building must be very special to you?
ADD: I know the lounge you're talking about purelife....I walked through a while ago and couldn't believe how faaaaaancy it is now with nice lighting, too. It used to be called The Timber Club (maybe it still is...) and it had dark wood panelling and wooden carvings. There was a large wooden bear at the entrance. I remember going into the lobby when I was probably 2 with my mom- drove downtown to meet my dad after a meeting. Mom went to drag my dad out of the bar (lol) while I waited at the outside by the bear. There were these chocolate squares in the bar, wrapped in gold foil. My dad's co-workers gave me a bunch of them. I remember crying and spitting one into a kleenex, as it was TOOO MINTY for my wee taste buds. After that, we got something to eat at the restauarnt- used to be called The Spanish Grill. I used to repeat the names of these places- Hotel Vancouver, Timber Club, Spanish Grill....loved the sounds of the words.