Get it done NOW

Started by P.C., Nov 16 08 09:57

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I am all done. It was simple for me.
When the End comes, don't worry if your party shoes are clean or not. Just make sure you have them on!


 Van wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I am all done. It was simple for me


But Im positive I wont be here for Xmas now.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



 Michel wrote:
Africa ?

Actually it looks like it might be Brazil

Ill find out within the week. No idea when I fly though

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



Maybe you could get a wax while you are there.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.



 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Maybe you could get a wax while you are there.   [/div]
Dirty Thoughts! Dirty Thoughts!

LOL, prob no goat wax though. But I was told if I was single and went to Brazil I would never come home.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



Oh he'll learn a new vocabulary alright.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 Michel wrote:
Oh oh, someone from my familly is there to learn Portuguese, haven't heard from him since he left... [img style="font-style: italic;" src="[/img]

You wont see him again. Might hear from him and get an invite to go down there...
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Lil Me

Oooh cool, Russ.  Hope you get to go to Carnival.  I think it's in Jan?  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


lol Starfish wouldn't approve of Carnival and its antics. lol

Watch out for crazy gangs.

Well I'm sending postcards for thanksgiving, if I could only find a decent 2007-2008 Vancouver post card. The ones I've seen still are from the 80s post Expo.

No idea on Christmas.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


  P.C. wrote:
Oh he'll learn a new vocabulary alright.

For sure.  I also heard they're good at teaching or showing the "alphabet technique."

