at the [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="Pu Chung Pao" href="vny!://" class="populated"]Pu Chung Pao[/a] resturant in [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="Taizhong" href="vny!://" class="populated"]Taizhong[/a], [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="Taiwan" href="vny!://" class="populated"]Taiwan[/a]. If you prefer, you can buy a bowl of this tasty?? soup for a mere 400 dollars. This recipe makes 8 bowls of [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="Tiger Penis Soup" href="vny!://" class="populated"]Tiger Penis Soup[/a]. [ul][li]1 tiger penis, dried[/li][li]24 other spices and medicines, including [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="rhino horn" href="vny!://" class="populated"]rhino horn[/a], [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="bear gall bladder" href="vny!://" class="populated"]bear gall bladder[/a], [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="tiger bone" href="vny!://" class="populated"]tiger bone[/a], and [a onmouseup="document.cookie='lastnode_id=0; ; path=/'; 1;" title="ginseng" href="vny!://" class="populated"]ginseng[/a][/li][/ul] Soak the tiger penis in water for one week. Simmer with the 24 spices and medicines for 24-26 hours. Serves 8[/p]
[/p]yes i cheated i looked up todger soup another name for penis found this link
[/p]tiger penis soup ( yuck!)[/p]