It's so easy to forget what a careful speaker GWB has been. Time to look back on some of his more noteworthy pronouncements, each one like a tiny little point of light...
[span style=""][/span][font size="2" face="Verdana"][o:p] [/o:p] [/font] [p class="MsoNormal"][span style="color: black;"][font size="2" face="Verdana"] "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." [/font][/span][font size="2" face="Verdana"][span style=""]—[span style="color: black;"]Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001[/span][/span][/font][/p][p class="MsoNormal"][font size="2" face="Verdana"][span style=""][span style="color: black;"]
[/span][o:p] [/o:p] [/span][/font][span style=""][font size="2" face="Verdana"][o:p] [/o:p] [/font][/span][/p] [p class="MsoNormal"][font size="2" face="Verdana"] "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' —[span style="color: black;"]Townsend, Tenn., [/span]Feb. 21, 2001[/font][/p][p class="MsoNormal"]
[/p][font size="2" face="Verdana"][span style="background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; color: black; mozbackground-clip: mozinitial; mozbackground-origin: mozinitial; mozbackground-inline-policy: mozinitial;"] "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." [/span] —[span style="background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; color: black; mozbackground-clip: mozinitial; mozbackground-origin: mozinitial; mozbackground-inline-policy: mozinitial;"]Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001[/span][/font][/p][font size="2" face="Verdana"][span style="background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; color: black; mozbackground-clip: mozinitial; mozbackground-origin: mozinitial; mozbackground-inline-policy: mozinitial;"]
[o:p] [/o:p] [/span][/font][/p] [font size="2" face="Verdana"][span style="color: black;"] "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." [/span] —[span style="color: black;"]Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002[/span][/font]