Vancouver 666 teh beast, centre of all world control and manipulation

Started by ProjectoR kiDD, Feb 13 08 05:17

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ProjectoR kiDD

The federal reserve is privatly owned, which to me means 1 sick brain is trying to take over all the money and gold.
If vancouver is the centre of the world, then take the time to look at the national and world banks of downtown burrard st.
interesting biuldings. 666 burrard st, 500- 555 burrard st. all  major world banks, in one circle.
while others are focusing on america and israel, the real power is right here in this Quiet city.

these are the same dikks that shorted my stocks, and kill, infect and  destroy anything in thier way, to obtain control of all life.
and global enslavement. well that plan has been officially FUKKED from the start.

#1 you picked the wrong life to manipulate: ProjectoR KiDD
#2 humans wont allow it anymore, nor will aliens
#3 you cannot take over a world, while hiding in the shadows.

ROFL!!! now the "SO CALLED" terrorists of the world, know where to bomb in case global takeover works.
throw this beast into the lake of fire, to save the rest of the world, and existence.
What a fall this is going to be...
"next time try taking youre safety off"
"ooooO did I do that"


wow! You are giving a lot of credit to a quiet coastal town like Vancouver!

Maybe that is part of the disguise.


 siliEnt hill, the town that takes all....

ONE single event can destroy existence, and one event can save it...

this journey has just begin.....they really make it hard on us...


did you just recently stop taking some type of medication?  

Dr Hu

This phenomenon is consistent with the premature discontinuation of medication. Thank you  

ProjectoR kiDD

medication  if for weaklings, and used to control and kill humans

f*ck hu
First girl + Last man in the univrse to connect the chain of life
Revolt or die old, vancouver is the centre of control
the game player is here
"our planets nightmare is not over yet"
"ill find you somday, im sure of it"


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

ProjectoR kiDD

humm, are u handing out doses of youre cleavage meds?  
First girl + Last man in the univrse to connect the chain of life
Revolt or die old, vancouver is the centre of control
the game player is here
"our planets nightmare is not over yet"
"ill find you somday, im sure of it"


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

ProjectoR kiDD

do i get a reciept with the medication?

i dont normally trust doctors but fine ill ingest ur nipples
First girl + Last man in the univrse to connect the chain of life
Revolt or die old, vancouver is the centre of control
the game player is here
"our planets nightmare is not over yet"
"ill find you somday, im sure of it"