Somali Pirates are just Misunderstood

Started by Russ, Sep 30 08 02:19

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Somali Pirates Tell All: They're in It for the Money
 NAIROBI, Kenya — The Somali pirates who hijacked a Ukrainian freighter loaded with tanks, artillery, grenade launchers and ammunition said in an interview Tuesday that they had no idea the ship was carrying arms when they seized it on the high seas.
 "We just saw a big ship," the pirates' spokesman, Sugule Ali, told The New York Times. "So we stopped it."
 The pirates quickly learned, though, that their booty was an estimated $30 million worth of heavy weaponry, heading for Kenya or Sudan, depending on whom you ask.
 In a 45-minute-long interview, Mr. Sugule expounded on everything from what the pirates want — "just money" — to why they were doing this — "to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters" — to what they have to eat on board — rice, meat, bread, spaghetti, "you know, normal human-being food."
 He said that so far, in the eyes of the world, the pirates had been misunderstood. "We don't consider ourselves sea bandits," he said. "We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. We are simply patrolling our seas. Think of us like a coast guard."
 The pirates who answered the phone call on Tuesday morning from The New York Times said they were speaking by satellite phone from the bridge of the Faina, the Ukrainian cargo ship that was hijacked about 200 miles off the coast of Somalia on Thursday. Several pirates talked, but they said that only Mr. Sugule was authorized to be quoted. Mr. Sugule acknowledged that they were now surrounded by American warships bristling with firepower but he did not sound afraid. "You only die once," Mr. Sugule said.
 He said that all was peaceful on the ship, despite unconfirmed reports from maritime organizations in Kenya that three pirates had been killed in a shoot-out among themselves on Sunday or Monday night.
 He insisted that the pirates were not interested in the weapons and had no plans to sell them to Islamist insurgents battling Somalia's weak transitional government. "Somalia has suffered from many years of destruction because of all these weapons," he said. "We don't want that suffering and chaos to continue. We are not going to offload the weapons. We just want the money."
 He said that they were asking for $20 million in cash — "we don't use any other system than cash." But he added that they were willing to bargain. "That's deal making," he explained.
 Piracy in Somalia is a highly-organized, lucrative, ransom-driven business. Just this year, pirates have hijacked more than 25 ships, and in many cases, they were paid million dollar ransoms to release them. The juicy payoffs have attracted gunmen from across Somalia and the pirates are thought to now number in the thousands.
 The piracy industry started about 10 to 15 years ago, Somali officials said, as a response to illegal fishing. Somalia's central government imploded in 1991, casting the country into chaos. With no patrols along the shoreline, Somalia's tuna-rich waters were soon plundered by commercial fishing fleets from around the world. Somali fishermen armed themselves and turned into vigilantes by confronting illegal fishing boats and demanding that they pay a tax.
Rest of the story click the linky above:

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims

Lil Me

 Oh to be a poor, hapless pirate.  They're all victims of a misunderstanding.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Man, those poor pirates (sniff)...maybe we should take up a collection for them or something. You know, something like "The Somalian Penniless Pirates Fund". You could have a picture of one of them with a puppy dog or a kitten and the tagline, "Won't Someone Think Of The Pirates?"
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


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  Awww, c'mon... have pity on me, yer land lubbers.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Mutiny on the ship! Mutiny on the Ship!

[h1]'Shoot-out' aboard hijacked ship             [/h1]
[p class="first"]Somali pirates on board a hijacked ship are reported to have been involved in a shoot-out over what to do with the vessel's cargo of tanks and weapons. [/p]An East African maritime group, which is monitoring the situation, told the BBC that three men were shot but the extent of their injuries was unclear. [/p]Pirates seized the Ukrainian ship last week, demanding a $20m (£11m) ransom. [/p]They dismissed the claim of infighting as "cheap propaganda", in a phone call to the BBC Somali Service. [!-- E SF --][/p]"There has been no exchange of fire at all. We're in good shape," spokesman Sugule Ali told the BBC. [/p]
"This is cheap propaganda being spread by people not aware of our situation." [/p]He added that the pirates were participating in dialogue, without going into detail. [/p]"I am optimistic this can be resolved peacefully," he said.
[/p][a href=""][/a]
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

Sure they are misunderstood...but are they misunderestimated?  
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein