House burns because authorities switched off hydrants "to fight terrorism"

Started by TehBorken, Sep 12 08 07:51

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 [a href=""]North Texas house burns because local authorities switched off hydrants "to fight terrorism"[/a]

 A house in North Texas burned down because the local authorities had switched off the fire-hydrants to stop terrorists from poisoning the water supply through them (?!?!). As Schneier sez, "This pegs the stupid-meter." At 11. [blockquote]He explains all the district's hydrants, including those in Alexander Ranch, have had their water turned off since just after 9/11 - something a trade association spokesman tells us is common practice for rural systems.   "These hydrants need to be cut off in a way to prevent vandalism or any kind of terrorist activity, including something in the water lines," Hodges said.  
[/p]But Hodges says fire departments know, or should have known, the water valves can be turned back on with a tool. [/p] [/blockquote] Errrrrrrr.........waitaminute.... turned back on with a tool? So these fire-hydrants will stop  terrorists who are capable of poisoning the water supply through them, but only if the terrorists can't get a tool? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight............
 [a href=""]Are the fire hydrants in your neighborhood turned on?[/a]

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Errrrrrrr.........waitaminute.... turned back on with a [SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic"]tool[/SPAN]? So these fire-hydrants will stop  terrorists who are capable of poisoning the water supply through them, but only if the terrorists can't get a tool? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight............

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.