P.C. wrote:Any more stories TehBorken ?Yeah, but I hardly have time to write them.

Busy busy busy.....I have some year-end stuff coming up and this time it's "do or die" so I'm starting now. Only 3 months to go but I have 6 months of work to do, lol.
We went to the really really nice *cough* folks at DHS and got Sakha fingerprinted just in case she's actually a terrorist. I don't
think she is, but you can never be too careful. We also finally got her TWP (temporary work permit) card (similar to a Green Card) and are now waiting for her Social Security Card. Once she has that we'll find someplace for her to work. She really, really wants to start working ASAP.
We also got her travel papers so she can leave the country and stand a decent chance of gettting back in. The papers say she can be "paroled" back into the US at the "discretion" of a Border Patrol Agent. Which means they could say, "No" just as easily as "Yes". So, even though she
might be a terrorist, she can go in and out of the US at will. That's a relief.
(A side note: The people that work at the Department of Homeland Security have got to be the nicest, most politest sweetest kindest people in the whole wide world, right next to Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, and that guy who threw those puppies into a wood chipper. Why, they even let us clean the floor of the lobby with our tongues for FREE!!!) We were so happy.
Also, we've successfully hidden the fact that Sakha is here from my lovely ex-wife (who could give the people at the DHS a run for their money, let me tell you). My son is in total agreement with this idea, in fact he actually came up with it and I realized it was the right thing to do for now. We figure after Sakha has been here 6 months then we can let my ex know...by that time she'll (hopefully) feel like her window of opportunity to cause trouble has passed. My ex is sooooo vindictive and is itching for the chance to "talk to Sakha and set her straight", according to my son. She wants to "warn" Sakha about "what she's getting into" and how terrible I am.