I am sick of that pos racist site DV

Started by Fred Savage, Jul 15 08 08:23

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google find


google find wrote:
ouch! sorry to hear that :-[

  it's no big deal anyway.

google find

Gordy has arrived, now your forum will fly, he makes and bakes them!


google find wrote:
Gordy has arrived, now your forum will fly, he makes and bakes them!

  that's good


My board, Discover Liberty, just died

  Proboards killed it

google find

Richard, for those about to rock "we salute you"!

goodnight discoverliberty you really got the shaft:(


ah never mind.  I've got another discussion board, this time it's on Facebook:

  [A href="http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=19414571516"]http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=19414571516[/A]

  The only thing is you have to sign up to Facebook with your real name.

google find

time to stop smoking crack Richard and DS mod don't delete my harmless post again, just a friendly caution.


I thought you were my friend??? I guess I was wrong.


   google find wrote:
time to stop smoking crack Richard and DS mod don't delete my harmless post again, just a friendly caution.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll delete posts and threads as I see fit.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.

google find

 tehbroken you rock and that is why you will always be a god to me.

google find

Richard, We are buds but if I don't give you a hard time then you will never see my nice side;)


 google find wrote:
 tehbroken you rock and that is why you will always be a god to me.
I completely agree.

google find

 How about open up another forum on proboards?  That way I can blast your new url while I try to get a life.


 I made one a long time ago and forgot all about it:
[a href="http://stupidstuff.org/"]http://freespeechhere2.proboards107.com/[/a]
