[A href="vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/pregnancytest.htm"][FONT size=6]vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/pregnancytest.htm[/FONT][/A]
Yes. [A href="vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/pregyes.htm"]vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/pregyes.htm[/A]
Boy. [A href="vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/itsaboy.htm"]vny!://www.stupidstuff.org/main/itsaboy.htm[/A]
[TABLE cellPadding=3 width="70%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD]Really, girl- what the hell is the matter with you? What
were you thinking? Ick! [/TD] [TD width="30%"]

[TABLE cellPadding=3 width="70%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD]Won't he be surprised, especially since you told him you were on the pill! [/TD] [TD width="30%"]

[TABLE cellPadding=3 width="70%" border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD]AAAAAAAAAAH! My, my- you certainly go for the weird ones, eh? [/TD] [TD width="30%"]