Lil Me wrote:
Back to the original post by stretchedout...
I think one's relationship with one's spouse needs to come first. stretchedout is bugged by the amount of time his wife spends talking to her mother each night, and that is as issue that they should address.
Stretchedout...keep us posted on this, will ya?
It is more about the frequency than the amount of time. Sometimes the calls are brief, like when we have just sat down to eat. But other times, like in the mornings lately, they are too long, causing the wife to not walk the dog, not eat breakfast and not have time to get a lunch together!
Now I'm thinking about the poor saps I see all the time walking with a chick who is talking on the phone. Rule number one when with your boyfriend girls, TURN OFF YOUR GODDAMNED CELL PHONE! How is it these guys put up with it?