[H3 class=entry-header]Knit-your-own edible thong underwear[/H3] [DIV class=entry-metadata] [DIV class=entry-meta][SPAN class=byline]Posted by Xeni Jardin, July 3, 2004 1:50 PM [/SPAN][SPAN class=separator][FONT color=#999999]|[/FONT][/SPAN] [A class=permalink href="vny!://www.boingboing.net/2004/07/03/knityourown-edible-t.html"][FONT color=#333333]permalink[/FONT][/A] [/DIV]
[DIV class=entry-content] [DIV class=entry-body][img height=204 src="vny!://www.xeni.net/images/bb/thong.jpg" width=250 align=left]Only 302 calories, knit 'em yourself from Twizzlers. Dawn Payne, the crafty chick who designed them says: "Knit gently. If you need your L-string to last longer than a few hours before use, you will need to keep the panties moist. This can be accomplished by wrapping the panties in plastic, or for extended storage needs, spraying with a vegetable oil spray and then wrapping. Adjustable to fit most any consenting adult!" [A href="vny!://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer04/PATT302calories.html"][FONT color=#16387c]Link[/FONT][/A] (via [A href="vny!://fleshbot.com/"][FONT color=#16387c]Fleshbot[/FONT][/A])
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[DIV class=entry-body]"If you need your L-string to last longer than a few hours before use, you will need to keep the panties moist." [/DIV][/DIV]