Algae BioFuel

Started by Russ, Apr 01 08 11:45

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Interesting stuff.. especially since of stuff like this:

"Kertz said he can produce about 100,000 gallons of algae oil a year per acre, compared to about 30 gallons per acre from corn; 50 gallons from soybeans."

and this

"Locating algae processing plants intelligently can add to their efficiency. Locating algae facilities next to carbon producing power plants, or manufacturing plants, for instance, the plants could sequester the C02 they create and use those emissions to help grow the algae, which need the C02 for photosynthesis."

    [A href=""][/A]

   [P _extended="true"][B _extended="true"]ANTHONY, Texas (CNN)[/B] -- Texas may be best known for "Big Oil." But the oil that could some day make a dent in the country's use of fossil fuels is small. Microscopic, in fact: algae. Literally and figuratively, this is green fuel.

[!--startclickprintexclude--] [DIV id=imageChanger1 _extended="true"] [DIV class=cnnStoryPhotoBox _extended="true"] [DIV class=cnnImgChngr id=cnnImgChngr _extended="true"] [DIV id=cnnImgChngrNested] [DIV class=cnnStoryPhotoCaptionBox] [DIV class=cnn3pxTB9pxLRPad] Plant physiologist Glen Kertz believes algae can some day be competitive as a source for biofuel.[img height=4 alt="" src="" width=4]


[SCRIPT type=text/XXXXscript _extended="true"]    var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imageChanger('cnnImgChngr','/2008/TECH/science/04/01/algae.oil/imgChng/p1-0.init.exclude.html',2,1);  //CNN.imageChanger.load('cnnImgChngr','imgChng/p1-0.exclude.html'); [/SCRIPT] [!--endclickprintexclude--] [P _extended="true"]"Algae is the ultimate in renewable energy," Glen Kertz, president and CEO of Valcent Products, told CNN while conducting a tour of his algae greenhouse on the outskirts of El Paso.

 [P _extended="true"]Kertz, a plant physiologist and entrepreneur, holds about 20 patents. And he is psyched about the potential algae holds, both as an energy source and as a way to deal with [A class=cnnInlineTopic href="" _extended="true"][FONT color=#004276]global warming[/FONT][/A].

 [P _extended="true"]"We are a giant solar collecting system. We get the bulk of our energy from the sunshine," said Kertz.

 [P _extended="true"]Algae are among the fastest growing plants in the world, and about 50 percent of their weight is oil. That lipid oil can be used to make biodiesel for cars, trucks, and airplanes.

 [P _extended="true"][A href=""][/A]

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



all these alternative fuels are pipe dreams. Nothing is going to be able to replace oil at this current level. There's no plan b. Switch to food products prices go up. If the US farmers converted everything the plant into bio fuels it would only be able to supply the country for a couple months. We need massive cut backs in consumption never seen before. We aren't going to conserve when automakers keep making more powerful engines with horrible fuel economy.  We're doomed regardless of what we do.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


It wont replace it but it will help.

You said that the amount of growing required will cripple food.

Thats why I posted the 100,000 gallons to the 30-50 per acre currently. Thats a significant improvement.

  I agree it wont eliminate oil dependance, but enough alternative fuels will reduce the amount used.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims