P.C. wrote:
That's incredibly sad to read Van Guy. This must be somewhere you encountered on your travels ?
Yeah - a very far and exotic place just north of Calgary.
Google "Gazoo Three Hills Alberta".
They escaped prosecution for years because the owner didn't charge to get in ... it was donation only. After anumberof years they had to change some things but i believe it is still open. There are hundreds of complaintsby spca, wspca, a halfdozen other agencies, animal lovers, and concerned citizens.
I went with LM and a friend who was a primary school teacher - we went to scope the place out for a potential field trip for grade three students !!!!!! (she didn't take them.)
Wild cats teathered in the open ... dining on a carcas ... :oh look at the pretty kitty" the child would say running towrds it ...
the bear enclosure was a single fence with holes big enough to stick your arm through - "let's pet the pretty bear - oh my is that Billy's arm he's chewing on....
I wish i were making this up.