Wild animals

Started by Gopher, Mar 20 08 11:58

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Lil Me

 Michel wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I like them too, and llamas, alpacas, vicunas and guanaco too.[/div]--
 The first time I read this, I thought you said guano.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



A fool's paradise is better than none.


looks like camel knocked up some kind of antelope/deer animal. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sportsdude wrote:
looks like camel knocked up some kind of antelope/deer animal. lol  
   This is something that would go through my mind in a flash. I have to struggle to keep it as an inside voice. Especially when I am looking at some of the girlfriends of my friends.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Gopher wrote:
 Does nobody like camels and llamas?

  I love camels - but not wild camels ... have you ever been bucked off a wild camel??? - well let me tell ya - it doesn't take long and you are really high up.  

  Camel humps as you know are made up of fatty tissue - a bit like ... well the female mammary gland ... now the camels that i rode were in outer mongolia and still had thier winter coat -  imagine if you will .... sitting between two HUGE hairy mamary glands, hugging one of them for support - or leaning backon the other for a rest. I'll let you decide for yourself if that is a good thing ...

  Wild horses and muskoxen are my favorite wild animals.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Sportsdude wrote:
looks like camel knocked up some kind of antelope/deer animal. lol  


 I was at this VERY WEIRD game farm it had a camel in the same enclosure it was odd.  the deer would sneak up and poke the camel - the camel would spin around and chase the deer away it was odd.

  not sure if the camel had anything else in mind ?!?!?
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


It depends on what it was poked with.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


 Gopher wrote:
It depends on what it was poked with.

I think with antlers - it was a FAMILY oriented game farm -
Such an odd place - there was a small bear teathered at the front gate - with a sign "wrestle me"
There was a freezer full of donuts/ muffines etc... with a sign "feed the animals" so you could toss a lion a choc covered donut ... not sure that is part of their regular diet on the Serengetti but ...

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


Such an odd place - there was a small bear teathered at the front gate - with a sign "wrestle me"
There was a freezer full of donuts/ muffines etc... with a sign "feed the animals" so you could toss a lion a choc covered donut ... not sure that is part of their regular diet on the Serengetti but ...


That's incredibly sad to read Van Guy.  This must be somewhere you encountered on your travels ?  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


My favorite five wild animals:

  Christian Bale times 5.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 P.C. wrote:

That's incredibly sad to read Van Guy.  This must be somewhere you encountered on your travels ?

Yeah - a very far and exotic place just north of Calgary.
Google "Gazoo Three Hills Alberta".
They escaped prosecution for years because the owner didn't charge to get in ... it was donation only.  After anumberof years they had to change some things but i believe it is still open.  There are hundreds of complaintsby spca, wspca, a halfdozen other agencies, animal lovers, and concerned citizens.

I went with LM and a friend who was a primary school teacher - we went to scope the place out for a potential field trip for grade three students !!!!!! (she didn't take them.)
Wild cats teathered in the open ... dining on a carcas ... :oh look at the pretty kitty" the child would say running towrds it ...
the bear enclosure was a single fence with holes big enough to stick your arm through - "let's pet the pretty bear - oh my is that Billy's arm he's chewing on....

I wish i were making this up.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


 Lise wrote:
My favorite five wild animals:
Christian Bale times 5.

with or without scruff??

[img]file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg" alt=""][img]file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg" alt=""][img]file:///C:/Users/Owner/Documents/bcm/264298%7EChristian-Bale-Posters.jpg" alt=""][img]file:///C:/Users/Owner/Documents/bcm/264298%7EChristian-Bale-Posters.jpg" alt=""][img]vny!://images.google.com.vn/imgres?imgurl=vny!://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/MMPH/264298%7EChristian-Bale-Posters.jpg&imgrefurl=vny!://www.allposters.com/-sp/Christian-Bale-Posters_i1635615_.htm&h=425&w=340&sz=20&tbnid=LXTHADcnslZuBM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchristian%2Bbale%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=2"]

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness (Mark Twain)


OMG. What are you doing around here, VG? It's like 5.51am in the morning! *yawn* Oh, I forgot, you're in Vietnam.

  That's kinda sad to hear about those animals, VG. Those people should know better than to treat them like that.

  I can't see the pics. Are they naughty?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.
