Kittens' Birthday

Started by P.C., Dec 09 07 11:20

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I'd love to print out a page of greetings for Kittens' upcoming birthday to tuck in a card.  

  Birthday wishes or cyber gifts would be lovely.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Lil Me

Happy Birthday to You
 Happy Birthday to You
 Happy Birthday Dear Kitten
 Happy Birthday to You!!!!!
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


Oh Kitten, PLEASE come back soon (or at least sometime). You really are missed here, not least by me. I loved all our chats, sensible and otherwise. Happy Brithday AND a very happy Christmas to you. I hope things are going well.With love,
A fool's paradise is better than none.


[span style="color: rgb(191, 0, 191); font-weight: bold;"]Happy Birthday Sweet Kitten.  You are missed.  With Love and XXXXOOOXXXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX [/span][img style="color: rgb(191, 0, 191); font-weight: bold;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Teasing/4.gif[/img][span style="color: rgb(191, 0, 191); font-weight: bold;"] [/span]



Happy Birthday, Ms. kitten!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Happy Birthday miss Kitten! Hope you are well and having a good time!
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims