I don't remember anybody telling me that I was "accidentally banned." The ban still stands, but it really is for the best, so it is clear that name-jackers aren't me. Some of the things my handles wrote were not nice. While much of my handles and wrote might have been offensive to some, I sure didn't write racist stuff, since that's not the way I think.
I believe in multiculturalism, and, looking at history, I've noticed that the most prosperous times of ancient Chinese empires such as Tang, ancient Egypt, and western civilizations, have been when they were most multi-cultural, and the most barren and economically deprived times have been when they were most xenophobic. Cultural intolerance is the realm of dogmatic, mentally inflexible people with seriously atrophied undeveloped areas of intelligence.
My IP, by the way, would the same one as many others in on of the the most densely populated neighborhoods in North America.