B.C. Ferries to hike fares by up to 25 per cent

Started by Sportsdude, Sep 15 07 12:28

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marketing? explain.
Since I come from the land of privitazation. Once something is private only the users who use it pay it. So it will only go up for us I'm afraid. I would easily do every other weekend trips to Vancouver. Got lucky yesterday, instead of paying normal 12 it was 7.10. But the rate hikes will make it around 15 now for foot. That means 30 bucks just to get back and forth plus the 5 bucks back and forth on the express bus from Horseshoe. Not counting if I want to take skytrain either.

I wonder what Washington ferries cost, its still public. (suprising for a US state to have something public, I was shocked).
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Yes....THAT expensive.  That's vehicle...driver (of course) and passenger and reservations. (almost a necessity if you need to get back to a job the next day)  And of course if you're taking in a concert or a game.....throw in the cost of a hotel room and a meal or two, as there are no ferries by the time these events are done.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


marketing? explain.

Yea....marketing.  You know....like when you try to make your product more marketable.  

  I'm not talking about favours here.  I'm talking about the benefit to both parties.  I use the ferry once every 4 months, because it's so GD expensive.  I WOULD use the ferry twice a month if it were affordable.  Who loses ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


How can you market something that's only transportation based? BC Ferries is private I don't think they have any interest in marketing island vacations etc. They know people have to go back and forth and they have no other option. Therefore its bribery but BC Ferries doesn't care, they're the only option.

still don't get what you're saying. lol
Something like vacation in Tofino, ferry ride is free?
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Aaa...No.  Nothing to do with free anything.

  I didn't think it was that complicated.  The price of a product is $100.00 and you sell one every 4 months.....but if it is $75.00 and you sell two a month.....do the math.  If they're happy with making $100.00 instead of $600.00....then they're stupid 'marketers'.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That's what happens when one goes from a Crown Corporation (i.e., the BC Government) to a private company (i.e., B.C Ferry Services).  However, I don't think the government has totally given up control of the ferry service.  It is still listed on the BC Government web-site as a department as [A href="http://www.dir.gov.bc.ca/gtds.cgi?showPage=agencies&subPageTitle=Public+Agencies#AGENCIES"]a public agency[/A]

  The bottom line is the dollar plus a monopoly.  This is the only ferry on the B.C. coast, and with many places along the coast inaccessible by car or plane this is also the only mode of transportation.  So with the cost of gas to run those behemonths, and trying to pay for new and replacement ferries, the fares are going up, up, and up.  

  The Campbell government is really brilliant, hey?  Noobs.  


Campbell isn't a Liberal he's a socred in liberal clothing, just ask the head of poly sci here at school. He was a BC Liberal before they were invaded by Campbell's right wingers. He was kicked out for being 'too left' or 'liberal'.

Campbell's boon doogle is the convention centre. He won't last after the olympics. (which means one more term election in '09 just before the olympics)....

anyway I looked up fares for Washington State Ferries and we are getting robbed of course. granted the longest ferry they have an hour but they have ferries until 2am. Not this 9pm crap.

Here's the Seattle to Brementon ferry schedule for tomorrow Sept 17

Youth (6-18) $5.40
Adult (19-64) $6.70
Senior/Disabled (65 and over) $3.35
Multi-Ride Commuter Card 10 Ride *  $53.60
WSF Monthly Pass 31 Ride * $85.80
Bicycle surcharge only 1.00

[a href="http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/fares/FaresDetail.aspx?tripdate=20070917&departingterm=7&arrivingterm=4"]http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/fares/FaresDetail.aspx?tripdate=20070917&departingterm=7&arrivingterm=4[/a]

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


then if you are taking the ferry from Bremerton to Seattle its FREE! wtf!
maybe tehborken can tell us why you aren't charged from the Bremerton to Seattle ferry.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Youth (6-18) $5.40
Adult (19-64) $6.70
Senior/Disabled (65 and over) $3.35

  B.C. Ferries

  Student    $5.60

Youth (6-11) $5.60

Adult    $11.15

Seniors  Monday thru Thursday  Free  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Sportsdude wrote:
then if you are taking the ferry from Bremerton to Seattle its FREE! wtf!
maybe tehborken can tell us why you aren't charged from the Bremerton to Seattle ferry.
 No transit service is free.......taxpayers are paying or service is subsidized by gasoline taxes and toll fees  


It's the same here for the smaller islands.  One way fare.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.
