Best factory outlets or stores with deals

Started by Spaz, Aug 15 07 10:30

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really? hmm that's sorta odd. Is Vancouver events broadcasted in the Seattle area? If not it should stop. That's not fair business.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I think it's fair.  You pay for advertising wherever you think there is a market.  I don't think Vancouver stations are not doing it as a public service.  I'm sure if Vancouver attractions paid for ads on a Seattle station, they would run them.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


no I bet they've got laws saying only american advertising. If they have laws like that in Seattle. Vancouver should as well.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I bet "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is ran thruout Canada


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


well i never see BC ads on TV. I wonder if they're even allowed here. Instead I get Arkansas and Mississippi  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I do see visit Vancouver ads once in a while here


ah oke. Now that I think about it I saw an Ontario ad a long long long time ago. Then I think Michigan was worried that Ontario would take all their business so now all I see is Michigan ads about investing and such. lol  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Up until recently, I would think it would have been very beneficial to have ads for visiting anywhere in Canada, where your vacation dollar would have gone twice as far.  I find it hard to imagine travel agents wouldn't have been all over that.  And judging from the amount of American plates here over the last few years, someone has put the message out
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


really? Nobody likes going to Canada. Which is fine by me they don't know what they're missing. The general consenses is that Canada is 'boring' and not a 'sexy' locale.

They always bring up the winters as an excuse or something. You'll see americans at Niagra Falls, Banff and Victoria because of the gardens. That's about where all of them go.

at least here in the Midwest. But they've never been the worldly bunch.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


P.C. wrote:
........  And judging from the amount of American plates here over the last few years, someone has put the message out[/DIV]
   Americans retirees were driving into Canada to fill their prescriptions


ah yes that too. The govenor in Illinois had state buses bus people to Windsor and Winnipeg to get their drugs refilled.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


NOBODY likes going to Canada ?  That's the goofiest thing I ever heard.  Who in their right mind wouldn't go somewhere that gives them such a bang for their buck ?  I live in a tourist area....and I can tell you, that June through August, at the very least every second license plate is from the states (or  There are resorts here, that are filled with 75% Americans during the summer.  

Painters Lodge where I went last weekend, is a favourite spot of many Americans.....many of whom are American celebrities.

  Perhaps where you are, Canada isn't a desired vacation destination.....but for many south of the border it is.

  If you put the situation in reverse, people here will veto plans to vacation in the States when our dollar is weak.  It's just common sense.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


no not really. Where are the plates from? They've done polls and studies after studies. Americans don't see Canada like they do Europe. They see it as boring.

Then politics gets involved. Most americans believe the terrorists came through Canada.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 [span class="inside-head"]Americans' visits to Canada are going south

[/span][div class="inside-copy"]O, Canada?[/div] [p class="inside-copy"]For many U.S. travelers this summer, the response is "no, thanks." [/p] [p class="inside-copy"]Overall U.S. visits have slumped by more than one-third over the past five years, and same-day car trips are down nearly 50%. And the outlook for 2007 isn't much better, says Randy Williams of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada.[/p] [p class="inside-copy"]"We thought things couldn't get worse after 9/11 and SARS (the health scare that sparked a sharp drop in Canadian tourism in 2003). But they have," says Anna Pierce, head of Niagara Falls Tourism. The Ontario-based organization has seen foreign visitors (nearly 70% of whom are from the USA) decline from almost 14 million in 2000 to 11 million last year, and it expects another drop of about 5% this year.[/p] [p class="inside-copy"]What's dampening U.S. demand:[/p]Confusion over new passport regulations
Concern about security-related delays at border crossings
A strong Canadian dollar and higher gas prices
Canada's elimination of a tax-rebate program for individual foreign travelers

Another worry: A survey showing that many young U.S. travelers dismiss Canada as an "average" or "boring" place to visit.

[a href=""][/a]

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
