Two Canadians detained over protest in China

Started by Sportsdude, Aug 07 07 10:13

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I disagree.....for two reasons at least.  Firstly, you're assuming all places are like the USofA.....and secondly, this type of change doesn't happen overnight.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


As long as greed and avarice rule the world, child labour will be a matter of fact (no matter how 'hidden' and disguised it may be).  
A fool's paradise is better than none.


I have a knack for saying things poorly.  Upon re-reading my posts, it almost comes across that I'm saying child labour is OK....leave it alone.  This is SO not what I'm saying at all.  I'm trying (ever so badly) to say that an abrupt halt to it, without some groundwork, could....WOULD have devastating results.  

  It would be akin to having the ladder removed while you're on the top rung because it's been deemed dangerous....without putting into place an alternate, safe route to the ground.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I know this doesn't happen over night it takes many many years. But its like chipping away at a wall. It falls eventually. The US and Canada and Western Europe used to be like Southeast Asia, China, and Africa and it took many many years to defeat injustices but it happened. Its going to be tough to defeat this because globalization and capitalism more or less support the idea of 'cheap labour'. Just look at what has happened since Nafta. Everything moved to Mexico then mexico's labour start joining together and asking for better wages and then everything moved to China and India. Now even in cheap labour China where you can have factory workers making cars at 2 to 3 dollars a day. They're not the cheapest anymore. It will take hundreds of years but sooner or later if we as a society make a stand we can stop this.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
