Signs of a guy cheating

Started by Lise, Aug 07 07 10:29

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 ah okay, yeah I've seen that a lot in 'high school' type relationships that are really really stupid and silly.
guy and girl break up then to get back they sleep with as many people as possible with a short amount of time to piss each other off. I just don't get it.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


 There is a book in Chapters right now, on sale, in one of those clearance shelves allll about the signs...check it out.  

lazy Marik

helper, do you know the name of the book? Thanks in advance.  


  [img hspace=15 src="" align=left border=1].

 [TABLE bgColor=#ffffdd border=1] [TBODY] [TR] [TD align=middle colSpan=2][SMALL]Anti-Spam Bot-Stopper
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*chuckle[img id=fetchSessionTemp alt="" src=""]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

lazy Marik

Funny how the anti-spam bot seems to come up with just the right words for the situation.  


I've been wondering about that Marik.  It's got to be more than mere coincidence.  It happens to regularly and too perfectly to be random.  (I must ask TB)

  It's made an annoying necessity kinda fun.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Or there's this one.

  [img height=308 alt="more you know" src="" width=200]

  The intro reads very similar to your observations, Marik.

  You are riding to the movies with your spouse and his cell phone rings. When he looks at the number, he does not answer it.  The caller hangs up quickly. Several nights a week, your mate comes home late. Your time together seems so distant, and he's often distracted. Are you just crazy? Is your imagination getting the best of you? What if he's having an affair? Will you know what to do and when? And where do you begin? So many questions run through your mind. And now you are scared to face the future.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

lazy Marik

 Hmm.. maybe that book is the one helper was talking about earlier. Sure fits with the topic. Good find, miss P.C.!

7:15 AM .. guess it's about time to hit the sack LOL  


Lise wrote:
 Someone recently asked me if I would know the signs of a guy cheating. I.... well, I'm not sure if I would know.

  I bet if he was cheating he would probably:

  a) leave the house at different hours of the day and not come back till very, very late

b) constantly talking about a certain someone ALL THE TIME and comparing her to you

c) don't seem really interested in doing stuff with you

  This friend says her brother is cheating on not one but 3 different girls in different countries! Can you believe that?

  What do you think are obvious signs? This goes for girls too, y'know. It's a two-way street. ___________________________________________________

 With regards to your three statements, (a) sounds logical..  he/she would need time to spend with their mister / mistress... hey, what do you call a guy 'mistress', 'mister'?

 (b) doesn't seem logical as he/she would know that by making ANY comparison of the other person to their spouse then that would give the spouse a clue that he/she has feelings for the other person.

 (c) yes, I don't believe that the spouse would like to spend time with his/her spouse any longer. He/she would prefer spending all their spare time with the person they're having an affair with.




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