Good Ads...Bad Ads

Started by P.C., Aug 02 07 07:31

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Have you ever been so turned off by an ad or commercial that you have actually chosen not to use the product ?


  Has there ever been an ad that has inspired you to buy a product ?

  Here's mine.

  Head On....apply directly to the forehead (repeat one dozen times or until you're ready to gouge your eyes out)  I could never make myself buy this product based on their ads alone.

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As far as products that I have bought, specifically because of a good ad....I can't think of any yet.

  [A href="jvascript:popUp('/popups/largerphoto/default.asp?pid=91468&catid=22&size=300&trx=29888&trxp1=91468&trxp2=1','popup',550,380)"][/A]    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Yes.. theres been a number of products (not that I would have bought them in the first place to be honest) that the commercials have been so annoying and repeatedly played till I literally turn off the tv or radio.

  Hmmm.. now that I think about it...    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Good ads.... those Tim Horton ones. I don't know. Something about donuts and people eating them, they just look so good on the telly.

  Bad ads. Gawd. Too many. I just look at the ads and go 'how can ppl believe them? So stupid.' Toothpaste are ones that get on my nerves because I know half the claim isn't true. They use 'professional' dentists to get their message across. Weird because I know the Canadian Dental College of BC does not allow dentists to promote a product. It's unethical.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


  hmm most of the ads I hate are local.
There's Dirt Cheap Beer and Liqour which is run by a guy who can barely talk, and they have a dancing chicken bird that goes "dirty cheap, fun fun", its a disgusting place anyway. Its the 'last refuge of the persecuted smoker' so its like warping back to the early 80's,70's and 60's with cigs on the floor and so on.

Then there is Goedeker's Superstore. They have the silliest theme song to the point at school when you grow up you learn the other theme song which is "Goedeker's Stupid Store the lowest technology at the highest price, turn it off!" The real theme song is the opposite.
Plus every commercial of their's is why we are closed on sunday. "because we believe sunday blah blah blah" they're hardline catholics, I went to school with one of their kids. annoying.

Then their is Autotire, the CEO and founder has a speach inpedment and constantly calls his company Autoltire. lol

Then the worst of the worst is Carol House Furniture. These two kids haven't aged at all for as long as I've been around they've got to be in their late 40's early 50's. They've had work done. But they are always talking in their southern accents about "you like nice thangs" and "I'm off to Dallas", they always have to go to Dallas for some reason.
[a href=""][/a]
plus they look stuck in the 80's with those haircuts. lol

But the scariest is Becky's Tile and Carpets. It used to be this obese woman who's the founder of her company flying around in a tiara and flying carpet around saint louis. Creepy enough. Then she got gastric bypass and lost at least 300 lbs.
[a href=""][/a]  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


NO no no

  Not so much 'what's a good ad or bad ad'  I'm asking if you have ever been so turned off by an ad or commercial that you have actually chosen not to use the product  BECAUSE of the ad ?
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


all the ones I've mentioned I've been turned off. I'll never set foot in those places.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Turned off completely by an ad so I won't buy their products.... hmm.... no, not really. The ads don't bother me nor inspire me to actually jump off my couch and go get one. I have to be in the mood (really, really into the mood) if you want to get me to purchase a product via advertising.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Bad ones:  That stupid King Of Floors guy who advertises on channel 2 (the tv listings channel) GOD DAMN I hate those ads!! He owns some hardwood flooring company out in Surrey, and some scruffy mutt is in every damn commercial!!
 That awful DQ Blizzard commercial too.. it was on a long time ago, but the whole commerical had these 2 guys sitting down outside of the DQ, tilting their Blizzards upside-down and shouting "DOO-AH DOO-AH!! DOO-AH DOO-AH!!!" !!@#$@#$ WHAT AN ANNOYING COMMERCIAL!!!!!! I refuse to buy DQ Blizzards now!!
 Good ones:  In Japan a long time ago I saw this one for a soft drink called C.C. Lemon. A group of friends were at the beach, and one of them had a blindfold on, while holding some big mallet / stick. He guy is supposed to smash the watermelon on the ground (this is a fun game that people play in the summer in Japan.. never seen it here.. unless if you count smashing the pinata), but he keeps missing, and eventually makes his way over to another group of people minding their own business. The guy accidentally hits a man who then turns around, and you see that he is Yakuza. Next scene you see the Yakuza guy running after him and then the picture of the drink shows up.. commercial ends.  I went out and bought the drink the next day, and been hooked on it since. You can find it here if you look around.. Konbiniya on Robson has it, but it's way overpriced.  


Bad ads?  Lakota, but not the one with the Indian...  Remember the Lakota Cowboy?  Terrible...  
The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory


any DQ ad or Carl's Jr/Hardees ads. DQ ad's when they're talking and eating at the same time. disgusting.
This isn't a commercial but ESPN is doing its "Now" series and the girl on their is annoying in her moaning type voice of overhyping. I don't get it.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


LOL....yes, I DO remember those Lakota ads.  What on earth were they thinking. [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

  I also remember the DQ Blizzard one.  I've never had a Dairy Queen Blizzard, but if I did, that ad would have made me not want to buy one.

  The ones that drove me crazy were the Herbal Essence commercials......the orgasmic shampoo ?  I will never buy Herbal Essence specifically because of those ads.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

lazy Marik

hahahaha P.C. yeah I remember those shampoo commercials too... lol "orgasmic shampoo" yes me too, I will never buy that.
I heard Lakota stings a lot? My friend was complaining that his skin was burning for 30 minutes...


Well it just goes to show you how bad their ads were.  I had no idea what Lakota is even for......rofl.  I had to look it up.

  Here's another one that made me mental.

  "My wrists are on fire"    (that's all I remember.  I've blocked it totally.....hahahah)
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

lazy Marik

Hmm... yeah what exactly did that commercial advertise? It might have been some kind of pain-reliever that office workers apply on their wrists..
*in a monotone voice*: my wrists are on fire         (let's see some better acting!!!)

Lil Me

There are lots of bad ads, and I mentally blacklist the companies because of them:
 -Christine Magee and Sleep Country Canada
 -Spence Diamonds
 -Herbal Essences
 -Michelina's frozen pasta
 -the "chew chew" gum song with the fruit and the woman with the coloured hair
 And, does anyone remember "Madge!  I soaked in it" from Palmolive, "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" and "It's Patrick!  He says we need life insurance"
 The Kentucky Fried Movie (ealry 80s?) lampooned a lot of bad tv advertising at the time.  A particularly memorable ad for an air freshener...
 *snifff* Did you cook fish last night?  Is your husband still smoking those cigars?  Did a cow sh*t in your house?
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein