DV is down...

Started by Doesn't Matter, Jul 27 07 02:12

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dv on the fritz

 Ya this sucks....  


Maybe it's the night for their yearly 'dinner & drinks' party, so they just shut it down for the time being...  
The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory


OMFG i got up this am to an offline msn msg telling me that DV is down!? WTF???
Iwas in need of a serious fix then i found an email from my new bud Ric, Informing me about this chat?!?! Woooooooooo wooooooooooooooooooooo! Had a good fix of daily reading! lol

How are you all?

~Hey Ric i still need a pic?! or do the msn thing and we can webcam????

Mws n hugs to all (new, old, known and unknown!) lol

Hey Ace how are you?


  ps my anti-spam was carton! obviously it knows im not duurty! lol


 I was digging around and found a sort of parallel universe Discovervancouver at [a href="http://discoverseattle.net/forums/"]http://www.discoveralltheworld.com[/a]
not sure what to make of it, maybe that is what they are working on with handle registration or something?
is this old news have you seen it before?


haha looks like there was already a cool conversation between raor and zekko over there :)

Saledo Pero

DISCOUVER THE WORLD  is the new DV. Surrender and join.  

Vivek Golikeri

eli ward wrote:
<DIV>...what's dv?</DIV>

"DV" is short for Discover Vancouver, a Canadian bloggers forum which frequently feels like a cyber fish market in terms of insults, racism, and obscenity. I understand that Discover Seattle requires higher standards of decency and civility. If that's true, good! I only insult to put an insulter in his/her place. Given the choice, I prefer polite disagreement and exchange of thoughts.

These forums are intended to help people think. Not to help people STINK!

Vivek Golikeri

The Penitent wrote:
Acceptance of evil is no virtue. Heed not the foul words of deceiving spirits, nor the doctrines of demons. <BR>Eschew wickedness and hold fast to integrity in these dark days. Wormwood approaches and the lines of battle have been drawn.

May the sun shine upon thy roof, and may the I.R.S. grant thee A BIG REFUND. And, oh yes. Don't forget to chant the magic mantra: GOO-GOO-GAA-GAA!!


Wow if the usual suspects don't have their fix they panic over here I guess and Salty Dog is promoting a new web site?  


"Hey Ace how are you?"

I'm excellent!  And how is everyone else doing this beautiful morning?
The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory

Caramel Kisses

Good morning Ace, you sound very happy, should I ask why? lol


Ric Mongler wrote:
 Sorry to inform, but hacking DV never did and never will make a dent in the racism and other hate there. Why would it? You have to know this right? So then why? And it's a question for whoever really did it not necessarily WE whoever that is.

      I think when racists show their true colours they are rendered down to their hideous, distorted realities. And the world needs to see that, interesting though their new movement is led by guys in suits and ties and the bedsheets never leave headquarters.


Caramel Kisses wrote:
Good morning Ace, you sound very happy, should I ask why? lol

It's just in my nature now!  I've been 'reformed' some time ago, so I've been sent in to keep the mood up...
The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory


Talk to me people!  What are your weekend plans?  
The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory

Caramel Kisses

\'reformed\' lol...... Were you a bad guy on DV? ;)
