STING - just another cheap, greedy, aging baby boomer!

Started by observer, Jul 18 07 02:19

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[DIV class=story_headline]Sting, wife told to pay chef in bias suit

[DIV class=story_subhead]

[!-- Article Publsih Date --] [DIV class=date]July 18, 2007[/DIV][!-- Article By Line --] [DIV class=byline]

[!-- Article's First Paragraph --]LONDON -- An employment tribunal ordered Sting and his wife, Trudie Styler, on Tuesday to pay a former chef $51,000 in compensation after she won a sexual discrimination claim against them.

 Jane Martin, 41, won her claim in May. She said she was fired after she became pregnant.  At a hearing earlier this year, Martin said she had worked for the 55-year-old pop star and his wife for eight years, cooking meals for them and guests such as Madonna and Elton John. She said Styler grew unhappy with her after she became pregnant in 2005, making her work long hours and growing angry when she was too ill to work.  Martin, who accused Styler of having a ''grandiose ego,'' left her job in April 2006.  Sting and Styler said they have filed an appeal.  AP

 source: [A href=",CST-FTR-sting18.article"],CST-FTR-sting18.article[/A]



Digusting. I can't believe you would fire your chef because you got pregnant. If anyone did that to me, I would take them to court for sure!

  Way to show your mature side, Mr. Sting.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Who really knows the true story though? Could be some serious BS on her side too?

Or, yes, Sting and his wife could have done that too.

Although, not a big fan ofg Sting or the Police, I try not to rush to judge by just one or two reports from internet stories or blogs.


Im with Devil on this one.. I dont believe what everyone sues for anymore. Its more like a likely a coincidence she was pregoo when she got fired and using it for the reason.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Could be but you don't just fire someone like that. It's kinda dicey when it comes to pregnant women. I can totally believe her situation. When you get pregnant, you're not exactly in the right frame of mind 100%. The demands on your body is incredible then to be surrounded by all that food (thus making you nauseous)....

  I believe they should have handle the situation with more tack. If there's one thing they've learnt, don't mess with a pregnant woman.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I kinda think that too Russ.  

    If she could no longer do her job properly because her hands no longer functioned, would she have any success in a law suit?  Probably not.  As much as I sympathize with this woman, the fact remains, that she could no longer carry out the job requirements.

  I believe that law is to protect women from losing their job, JUST because they are pregnant, but are still able to carry out the demands of their jobs.  I think it may be a little cruel....but when an employee can no longer do the work....I think that an employer has the right to employ someone who can.    
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


in the real world if you get knocked up and can't do your job you stop doing it!