Worst Restaurants

Started by Lise, Jul 11 07 10:33

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Thai Son in Slurrey.

  I had a bowl of pho and the meat and tendons were still frozen and raw looking.  DISGUSTING!  


isnt that how pho normally comes? raw and then its served to you and you stir that bad boy a bit until it finishes cooking? Add the hoysa sauce and the hot stuff then shovel it in getting your girlfriend covered in the drippings splashed onto her?
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Sorry, I meant that the tendons were still frozen... I usually order the special with a bit of everything.  And this particular thing usually is cooked and NOT frozen.  


You got it, al. Next time, I'll just hand you over instead of the tips. Wear a mean smile and a nasty looking shirt that says, "I may look like an angel but I'm baaaad to teh bone."
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.