Your road test depends on your Evaluator and how nice he/she is. So, experiences may vary. I don't think that it would matter in regards to which city your test is held because I'm sure that your Evaluator will take you through the local neighborhood schools/parks, etc. It's best to do the test in the city that you have been practiciing so that there are NO surprises. So, if you have been practiciing in North Van, then the test should be in North Van.
When I did my road test for more than 10 years ago, I practiced out of Delta/Surrey area. My road test was in Delta. I was lucky to have an Evaluator who was pretty lenient about parrallel parking. He didn't ask me to do this, which was a shock. I would've failed the test if I did, because I sucked at parrallel parking at that time. I'm glad that I passed my test though.
I'm sure that you will do fine because I'm sure that you have received months and months of former and proper training. Just remember all the rules and take deep breathes to relax at all times. If you tense up and feel nervous, the Evaluator will give you more of a hard time. But then again, it really depends on the Evaluator's "day" and personality.
I've heard many stories from my friends who have completed the Road Tests and it was always because of the Evaluator. Some were more unfair than others.
Good luck, nevertheless.
Hope this helps.